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Architecture and Design Docs
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Subject mapping transforms for Streams #201

Open Jarema opened 1 year ago

Jarema commented 1 year ago


With nats-server 2.10.0 this feature will be released.

Server PR:

PR contains a lot of details.

Example Stream config with transforms:

  "name": "test2",
  "subjects": [
  "retention": "limits",
  "max_consumers": -1,
  "max_msgs_per_subject": -1,
  "max_msgs": -1,
  "max_bytes": -1,
  "max_age": 0,
  "max_msg_size": -1,
  "storage": "file",
  "discard": "old",
  "num_replicas": 1,
  "duplicate_window": 120000000000,
  "subject_transform": {
    "src": "fromtest.>",
    "dest": "input.>"
"sources": [
      "name": "test",
      "subject_transform_dest": "fromtest.>",
      "subject_filter" : ">"
  "sealed": false,
  "deny_delete": false,
  "deny_purge": false,
  "allow_rollup_hdrs": false,
  "allow_direct": false,
  "mirror_direct": false

Besides exposing these new fields in the StreamConfig the client library should also automatically fill-in the subject transformation (subject filter and transform destination) fields in the StreamConfig for the bucket for the defined sources for the bucket, such that the source filter is "$KV.<sourced bucket name>.>" and the destination "$KV.<bucket name>.>".

Example of the StreamConfig for a bucket C that sources from KV buckets A and B:

  "name": "KV_C",
  "subjects": [
  "retention": "limits",
  "max_consumers": -1,
  "max_msgs_per_subject": 1,
  "max_msgs": -1,
  "max_bytes": -1,
  "max_age": 0,
  "max_msg_size": -1,
  "storage": "file",
  "discard": "new",
  "num_replicas": 1,
  "duplicate_window": 120000000000,
  "placement": {
    "cluster": ""
  "sources": [
      "name": "KV_A",
      "filter_subject": "$KV.A.>",
      "subject_transform_dest": "$KV.C.>"
      "name": "KV_B",
      "filter_subject": "$KV.B.>",
      "subject_transform_dest": "$KV.C.>"
  "sealed": false,
  "deny_delete": true,
  "deny_purge": false,
  "allow_rollup_hdrs": true,
  "allow_direct": true,
  "mirror_direct": false

(see for reference)

Clients and Tools

Other Tasks

Client authors please update with your progress. If you open issues in your own repositories as a result of this request, please link them to this one by pasting the issue URL in a comment or main issue description.

jnmoyne commented 1 year ago

At the moment the best way to play with it is (and check the schemas, and the generated stream and kv config JSON) is to build nats from the jnm/streamsourcetransform branch, or to look at nats.go where it's already implemented.