nats-io / nats-architecture-and-design

Architecture and Design Docs
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Direct Message Multiple Values #250

Open scottf opened 6 months ago

scottf commented 6 months ago


Because of the way the server stacks values during republishes, the last value for each header field is the correct value for direct messages


Clients and Tools

Example Unit Test

  1. Create a stream with configuration:

    name: "sbname"
    subjects: "sub.>"
    src: ">" 
    dest: "$KV.sbname.>"
  2. Create a Key Value bucket with bucket name matching the stream name

    name: "sbname"
  3. Publish 3 different ways for coverage

    Connection Publish: Subject: "sub.1", Payload: "A"
    JetStream Publish: Subject: "sub.2", Payload: "B"
    Key Value Put to Bucket: Key: "sub.3", Value: "C"
  4. Retrieve values from the bucket.

KeyValueEntry kve1 = kv.get(publishSubject1);
assertEquals("sbname", kve1.getBucket());
assertEquals("sub.1", kve1.getKey());
assertEquals("A", kve1.getValueAsString());

KeyValueEntry kve2 = kv.get(publishSubject2);
assertEquals("sbname", kve2.getBucket());
assertEquals("sub.2", kve2.getKey());
assertEquals("B", kve2.getValueAsString());

KeyValueEntry kve3 = kv.get(publishSubject3);
assertEquals("sbname", kve3.getBucket());
assertEquals("sub.3", kve3.getKey());
assertEquals("C", kve3.getValueAsString());

Other Tasks

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