nats-io / nats-server

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Enable external Authentication (authn) and Authorization (authz) via Extensible Auth Provider. #434

Closed petemiron closed 6 months ago

petemiron commented 7 years ago


  1. An administrator must be able to configure an HTTP-based external auth provider. 1.1. The external auth provider must support TLS, including specifying certificate authority. 1.2. The external auth provider should accept and check credentials (username and secret) for the gnatsd server. 1.3. The external auth provider must have a configurable timeout for DNS, TCP connect, and response. These timeouts may be tracked in a single timeout or separated. 1.4. Metrics for requests, successful, failed and at least average response time of queries to external auth provider must be available through monitoring endpoints. 1.5. If no external auth provider is configured, the must be no additional impact on CONNECT performance.
  2. For an external auth, the gnatsd server must pass connect user credential information (username and password) to the external endpoint 2.1 the external auth provider must check authn and return a 200 with authz data (similar to example in #428):{ user: 'optional', permissions: { publish: ['foo.*'], subscribe: ['foo.*', 'bar.*'] } } 2.2. The credentials must be checked during client CONNECT. 2.3. The external auth provider may return a Time-to-Live (TTL) for authz data. 2.4. If a TTL is returned, the server should respect the TTL and re-request authn for the user on any new message sent to or received from that user after TTL expiration. 2.5. The external auth provider must provide a means for failover (eg. DNS round-robin, or multiple addresses in the configuration).

Plugin Interface Mockup

For discussion, here is a mockup of a plugin interface that passes a context around. This pushes locking responsibility into the plugin itself. It is not complete by any stretch of the imagination.

// Simple Mock up of a plugin.  In practice, uid will be some sort of
// principal struct, logger may be passed to the auth plugin, etc.

// AuthPlugin interface to for users to implement.
type AuthPlugin interface {

    // GetContext is invoked every time a new client connection is established
    // The plugin can choose to return a singleton, a context from a pool, or
    // a new context.  The plugin has the responsibility of locking accordingly.
    GetContext() interface{}

    CheckPublishPermissions(context interface{}, uid, subject string) bool
    CheckSubscribePermissions(context interface{}, uid, subject string) bool
    CheckConnectPermissions(context interface{}, uid, pass string) bool

// MyLittleAuthPlugin is a user plugin
type MyLittleAuthPlugin struct {
    // general stuff, configuration, plugin wide stuff.
    // this could optionally be the context as well, if the
    // context was a singleton.
    singleContext bool
    context       interface{}

// MyLittleAuthPluginContext is a context to be passed around to the
// APIs.  If the context is a singleton, the plugin itself can be used.
type MyLittleAuthPluginContext struct {
    Username string
    Password string
    Subject  string

func (mlap *MyLittleAuthPlugin) Startup() {
    fmt.Printf("Starting up.")

func (mlap *MyLittleAuthPlugin) Shutdown() {
    fmt.Printf("Starting up.")

// invoked every time a new client connection is established
func (mlap *MyLittleAuthPlugin) GetContext() interface{} {
    if mlap.singleContext {
        return mlap.context

    return &MyLittleAuthPluginContext{
        Username: "colin",
        Password: "password",
        Subject:  "foo",


func (mlap *MyLittleAuthPlugin) CheckPublishPermissions(context interface{}, uid, subject string) bool {
    ma := context.(*MyLittleAuthPluginContext)
    return strings.Compare(ma.Subject, subject) == 0
func (mlap *MyLittleAuthPlugin) CheckSubscribePermissions(context interface{}, uid, subject string) bool {
    ma := context.(*MyLittleAuthPluginContext)
    return strings.Compare(ma.Subject, subject) == 0

func (mlap *MyLittleAuthPlugin) CheckConnectPermissions(context interface{}, uid, pass string) bool {
    ma := context.(*MyLittleAuthPluginContext)
    if strings.Compare(ma.Username, uid) == 0 && strings.Compare(ma.Password, pass) == 0 {
        return true
    return false

func TestAuthPluginAsServer(t *testing.T) {
    // Server's responsibilities
    var plugin AuthPlugin

    // On startup server sets the plugin
    plugin = &MyLittleAuthPlugin{}


    // At connection time, get the user context.
    uc := plugin.GetContext()
    // context is stored with the connection, and passed to relevant APIs
    if !plugin.CheckConnectPermissions(uc, "colin", "password") {
        t.Fatalf("credential check failed")

    if plugin.CheckConnectPermissions(uc, "colin", "garbage") {
        t.Fatalf("credential check failed")

    if !plugin.CheckPublishPermissions(uc, "colin", "foo") {
        t.Fatalf("publish check failed")

    if plugin.CheckSubscribePermissions(uc, "colin", "bar") {
        t.Fatalf("subscribe check failed")


Related Issues




bbdb68 commented 3 years ago

thanks for your quick answer. This may be not the best place to discuss this, but I do not own the domain. I receive on the client side an authorization token I am supposed to validate on the server side, at login time, using custom rules (validate against public key retrieved by http, and check a few fields of the token). I wonder how it could be done in the nats ecosystem.

ripienaar commented 3 years ago

As far as I know the only way we support today is if you emedded the nats broker into your own code, you can then supply your own authentication logic.

derekcollison commented 3 years ago

You could have a bearer token delivered to the client. Or a normal creds file as well. Will that now work?

bbdb68 commented 3 years ago

I saw and it is really close. IMHO there may be corner cases where a server side script for token validation may be usefull. But this PR is very close to offer Oauth2 compliant authenticaction, yes.

bbdb68 commented 3 years ago

as an example there is a rfc that specifies how to validate the token (RFC 7662 I think), but the people I work with (automotive industry) ask for specific way to validate the token, so the parameters exposed in the PR may not be enough for all cases. IMHO it woud be nice to have some kind of plugin or external resolver pattern for custom token validation, as not every identity provider or deployment are not exactly following the spec. I agree that in strict oauth2 cases, it should be possible to implement validation through configuration file.

YoSev commented 1 year ago

We wanted to go for nats back in 2017 but we missed this feature. Now, five and a half years later, we are working on a new platform and see this ticket is still pending, so again we will not be able to use nats. Are there any hot news/plans you could share regarding this request @derekcollison? Thanks in advance.

ripienaar commented 1 year ago

Are there any hot news/plans you could share regarding this request @derekcollison? Thanks in advance.

Its on the near term roadmap. As it's such a varied topic maybe you can expand a bit on exactly how you would want to see this work?

YoSev commented 1 year ago

Thanks for that update @ripienaar

We use the message bus not only for internal microservice communication, but we expose it and connect every user that is using our platform's webinterface + our thick app to the message bus, to use its full potential. This can be up to 500k users in our case.

Pushing messages to a webinterface using fine graded subscribe patterns like app.message.<username>.new enables us to reach out to a user (or a group of users like app.message.<groupId>.new) just by allowing them to subscribe for a topic others are not allowed to subscribe for. Each user sends his username + JWT in form of a password after establishing a connection which will be forwarded and validated by our own identity provider using HTTPs.

Why recreating the complete exchange logic across a horizontally scaled infrastructure to reach certain users being connected to different endpoints, when nats does exactly this?

ripienaar commented 1 year ago

@john-dev thanks, for the input sure it will be handy when we work on this.

Building something like this using nats server as a library is fairly trivial - have done a NATS server that calls a external auth in under a hour, but sure its not to everyones liking to build custom server binaries.

YoSev commented 1 year ago

Exactly, using custom build binaries is not an option for us, unfortunately. I guess we wait then - hopefully not for another 5 years ;-)

ripienaar commented 1 year ago

The auth system is an already supported extension point, when calling the server from Go.

YoSev commented 1 year ago

Can you outline what that exactly means?

ripienaar commented 1 year ago

Can you outline what that exactly means?

Ignoring whats involved in starting a nats server in go - we have many examples in tests - you can replace the auth system entirely with your own.

type MyAuth struct {
  user string
  pass string

func (a *MyAuth) Check(Check(c server.ClientAuthentication) bool {
  opts := c.GetOpts()

  return opts.Username == user && opts.Password == pass

You can now set this into the run time options CustomClientAuthentication and the server will use that auth.

So this is a super simple example, but there in opts you have access to the supplied JWT and much more, ip addresses, the TLS state is there and all sorts of things and can enable all you need.

To note this entirely replaces the built in auth system.

So the work to support external auth would be to work on this area, extend it to perhaps call external binaries or perhaps to call out over NATS in specially designated account for a service that can handle auth and so forth based on what users say they need, we're likely to start with something basic and expand over time.

YoSev commented 1 year ago

Interesting. I managed to implement out own backend-auth logic, is there also an option for a custom permission source?

Yup, you can:

user := &server.User{
        Username:    "bob",
        Account:     "some_account_that_exists",
        Permissions: &server.Permissions{
                // set permissions  

ripienaar commented 1 year ago

Sorry, Account is a handle to the server account that you can get with LookupOrRegisterAccount()

YoSev commented 1 year ago

Thanks for that, i got authentication and permissions working. I will do some tests within our platform next week and check if thats a route we would like to go.

It is not ideal to have a custom build but well, nothing is perfect. Having this implemented as a module would still be appreciated for a lot of people i assume.

ripienaar commented 1 year ago

Indeed, not ideal, but maybe this gets you going and moving to whatever the final natively supported system we decide on will not be onerous.

ripienaar commented 1 year ago

Wow, I note I edited your earlier comment instead of commenting new - sorry about that, anyway we got there in the end!

derekcollison commented 1 year ago

Auth callouts and mapping external Authn to NATS Authz is top priority for 2.10 release. Along with the ability to reuse an existing connection.

drodriguez-wave commented 1 year ago

Hi, is there a temporary branch where we can test this before release in its current state?

jnmoyne commented 1 year ago

Yes, the dev branch

gedw99 commented 1 year ago

NATS Authorization Callout I also need

jnmoyne commented 8 months ago

@bruth I think this can now be closed as 2.10 has been released

bruth commented 6 months ago
