If a leadership changed occurred while leadership actions were
executed, before the raft.Barrier() call was made, the server
would be stuck in that call. This is because RAFT library
notifies the Streaming server code that a leadership changed
through a go channel that was just of size 1. Since the
streaming server read from the channel and then executes
the leadership acquired code, it could not read from the
notification channel that caused the RAFT library to block
on a go channel send, which then made the Barrier() call
I believe the right approach is to have a bigger notification
go channel instead of making Barrier() time out. If it does
timeout, the server should then transfer leadership, which
I am afraid could cause a cascading effect if all servers
getting elected need longer that the chosen timeout to
apply all the preceding entries to the FSM.
Coverage: 91.526% (+0.04%) from 91.49% when pulling ee84146d19962dbc059040f0d83f899122387d30 on fix_leadership_acquired into 2af2beb736afa0abb58d91f5e8a8bd4ecfccd187 on main.
If a leadership changed occurred while leadership actions were executed, before the raft.Barrier() call was made, the server would be stuck in that call. This is because RAFT library notifies the Streaming server code that a leadership changed through a go channel that was just of size 1. Since the streaming server read from the channel and then executes the leadership acquired code, it could not read from the notification channel that caused the RAFT library to block on a go channel send, which then made the Barrier() call block.
I believe the right approach is to have a bigger notification go channel instead of making Barrier() time out. If it does timeout, the server should then transfer leadership, which I am afraid could cause a cascading effect if all servers getting elected need longer that the chosen timeout to apply all the preceding entries to the FSM.
Signed-off-by: Ivan Kozlovic ivan@synadia.com