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Do not print events in case custom event callback was specified #1260

Open nazar-pc opened 1 month ago

nazar-pc commented 1 month ago

Proposed change

Do not print messages like this:

2024-05-10T23:05:19.230236Z  INFO async_nats: event: connected

In case ConnectOptions.event_callback was specified.

Use case

Info level messages are often done by the app, printing them by the low-level library like NATS is annoying. For example I'd like to also print client ID for easier debugging, but this means similar message will be printed twice.


I can send a PR if this is considered to be a welcome change

Jarema commented 1 month ago

Those are not print messages, but tracing messages.

Will only be showed if you configured the tracing_subscriber. Those are very useful if you're debugging your app/library and entirely opt-in.

If you have some other tracing you would like to subscribe to, while not seeing the library logs, you can disable them via EnvFilter:

nazar-pc commented 1 month ago

Right, I know that are produced by tracing subscriber. My concern is about log level of such things. This is the only low-level library that unconditionally prints such messages. Usually libraries print WARN and ERROR messages and everything else is either DEBUG or TRACE level, not INFO.

Jarema commented 1 month ago

Hm, I get your point, however I'm not sure if I agree with such approach. If library can print ERROR, why not INFO if the log level is relevant to the log?

Interested what some other contributors thoughts are cc. @thomastaylor312 @paolobarbolini @caspervonb

nazar-pc commented 1 month ago

ERROR typically means something that is broken and must be fixed, WARN means something isn't quite as bad, but worth looking into. Both of those are important for developer and/or maintainer to know and printed in case normal error propagation to the code library user controls is not possible in a straightforward way.

INFO on the other hand is not so important. So if library user can hook into event_callback, they also can print the same (or different or none at all) message about connection state, this is likely why they used event_callback in the first place. In this case printing it unconditionally is redundant and even annoying sometimes.

Jarema commented 1 month ago

I mostly agree.

However, I do not like conditionaly outputitng or not some logs as a side effect. I would be suprised as a user, that if I asked for callback, that action would have a side effect of disabling some logs by default.

Especially that sometimes different teams are handling fault detection and app development. Hm, maybe option to disable Event logs would be a more straightfoward, even if a bit verbose solution to this problem?

caspervonb commented 1 month ago

Aye we should be logging what events we see. Three options as as I see it.

  1. Add a span for it.
  2. Bump log level
  3. Keep as is.
thomastaylor312 commented 1 month ago

I have noticed this as well but I kinda just gloss over this output at this point. I think this kind of logging feels like a DEBUG level log. Seeing which event I received would be something I'd want to see if I were debugging, but not necessarily under normal operation. Definitely agree that it shouldn't be a conditional thing that depends on whether or not a callback was specified