nats-io / natscli

The NATS Command Line Interface
Apache License 2.0
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Bench command in multisubject mode subject format improvement #1177

Closed jnmoyne closed 3 weeks ago

jnmoyne commented 1 month ago

When using nats bench in multisubject mode to generate messages in order to evaluate the amount of memory used by the indexes according to the number of subjects being stored in the stream it is more accurate if all the subjects have the same size. This achieves that by using padding 0 up to the length of the max number of subjects when creating the subjects.

ripienaar commented 1 month ago

Please sign your commit @jnmoyne

jnmoyne commented 4 weeks ago

Apologies: they were signed but with my new GPG key (old one expired) and I just had not uploaded that new key to GH yet, done now.