nats-nui / nui

Free and Open Source NATS management GUI.
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Support for NATS Micro? #1

Open AbstractiveNord opened 5 months ago

AbstractiveNord commented 5 months ago

Thanks for awesome tool! Asking for support of NATS Micro protocol: interface for Request-Reply and micro module in natscli.

pricelessrabbit commented 5 months ago

the request reply part (without microservices) is ongoing so it will be added shortly. For the micro support, i need to play with the last CLI implementation and see how that part is managed. Apart the basic list / info and endpoints details of micro, do you have some specific use case to share?

AbstractiveNord commented 5 months ago

the request reply part (without microservices) is ongoing so it will be added shortly. For the micro support, i need to play with the last CLI implementation and see how that part is managed. Apart the basic list / info and endpoints details of micro, do you have some specific use case to share?

Except list / info, it's quite useful to receive metrics from services and adjust services in runtime, like logging level, dummy mode, or something. In case of UI, would be nice to have dynamic interface, because every service can publish their endpoints with schemas in "Info" message. I use a lot of services with lightweight control-plane in NATS Micro, and it's good to work with. Not related to main topic, just a use case from my practice, it's a KV bucket with configuration for service. Thanks to "watch" mechanism, services can read and update config data in real-time. Would be nice to have UI be ready for that topology of services and buckets.

I see Micro UI as list of services with matching prefix for searching, and service panel contain info, ping, stats, and endpoints. After click on endpoints, there is list of them with possibility to request on them.