nats-nui / nui

Free and Open Source NATS management GUI.
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KVENTRY DETAIL window does not immediately show JSON values in a bucket #14

Closed dremekie closed 3 months ago

dremekie commented 4 months ago

First, NUI is a very useful UI for NATS. Very nice work.

I have KV entries that are all JSON encoded. When I select one of those entries in the KVENTRIES window, the window that shows the value is empty (even though there is a value present). However, when I click the COPY menu item, the actual stored value is successfully copied to the clipboard (I can paste it and see the correct value).

When I change the FORMAT to TEXT from the FORMAT selector, the same problem is seen.

To see the actual value in the window, I have to change the FORMAT to hex or base64 first, and then change it back to json or text.

priolo commented 4 months ago

thanks for the feedback! The UI was a bit of a challenge. Initially we feared it would be too complicated compared to something classic. I'll take a look at this issue soon. I will keep you updated. HI

pricelessrabbit commented 3 months ago

I also tried to reproduce the issue without success. @dremekie could you provide additional details about that? which version of NUI are you using? is deskop app or docker setup?

dremekie commented 3 months ago

@pricelessrabbit It's the desktop version. The about popup does not show a version number. However, for the past few days, I have not seen any issues. I'll close this for now and re-open if I see it happening again.