natural-harmonia-gropius / hdr-toys

Componentized Rec.2100 to Rec.709 conversion shader for mpv-player, featuring dynamic curves and a uniform color space.
MIT License
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heatmap only #68

Open marat569 opened 4 weeks ago

marat569 commented 4 weeks ago

Is there a way to only use the heatmap (false.glsl)

I tried adding it as a toggle and all I get is a greyscale in all content (sdr/hdr) [with and without hdrtoys.js in the scripts dir]

CTRL+a change-list glsl-shaders toggle "~~exe_dir/shaders/false.glsl" ; show-text "Heatmap"

The attached file is what happens when I toggle the shader

file mkv - mpv 5_31_2024 10_51_39 PM

it would be nice to have a heatmap on demand, but idk whats up.

natural-harmonia-gropius commented 3 weeks ago

only use the heatmap

All things in hdr-toys.conf are required, just replace tone-mapping to false. if you add false.glsl only, mpv won't feed hdr image to shaders.

Append include=~~/hdr-toys.conf to your mpv.conf

marat569 commented 3 weeks ago

copy, I'll play around with it later.

I'm not trying to setup the whole suite right now -- but I'd love a luminance heatmap shader (similar to the HDR WCG JXR viewer app)