Closed Thintime1998 closed 4 weeks ago
Can you share your input.conf about RIGHT and what's before?
MBTN_LEFT ignore MBTN_LEFT_DBL cycle fullscreen MBTN_RIGHT cycle pause MBTN_BACK seek -5 MBTN_FORWARD seek 5
WHEEL_UP add volume 5 WHEEL_DOWN add volume -5 WHEEL_LEFT seek 5 WHEEL_RIGHT seek -5
ESC quit SPACE cycle pause ENTER cycle fullscreen f cycle fullscreen F cycle fullscreen \ show-progress ` script-binding console/enable tab script-binding stats/display-stats ? script-binding stats/display-stats-toggle
t cycle ontop r stay
UP add volume 5 DOWN add volume -5 Shift+UP add volume 10 Shift+DOWN add volume -10
LEFT seek -5 RIGHT seek 5 RIGHT no-osd set speed 3; set pause no #event: press RIGHT ignore #event: release
Ctrl+LEFT seek -10 exact Ctrl+RIGHT seek 10 exact Shift+LEFT seek -30 exact Shift+RIGHT seek 30 exact
Ctrl+Shift+UP add audio-delay -0.1 Ctrl+Shift+DOWN add audio-delay +0.1
, add sub-delay -0.1 . add sub-delay 0.1 Ctrl+Shift+LEFT add sub-delay -1 Ctrl+Shift+RIGHT add sub-delay 1
z set speed 1.0 c add speed 1.0 x add speed -1.0 Z set speed 1.0 C add speed 1.0 X add speed -1.0 Shift+PGUP multiply speed 2.0 Shift+PGDWN multiply speed 0.5
PGUP playlist-prev PGDWN playlist-next
[ frame-back-step ] frame-step { add chapter -1 } add chapter 1
RIGHT seek 5 #event: click
RIGHT no-osd set speed 3; set pause no #event: press
RIGHT ignore #event: release
Okay, thank you very much
Seek cannot work after changing to RIGHT