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Here is some code for "Descriptive Text Boxes" #158

Closed calculuschild closed 7 years ago

calculuschild commented 7 years ago

Since there have been so many people asking for the descriptive text boxes, and I have needed them myself, I finally just made some CSS styles for one.

Code is here:

<div class="descText">
You see a small, round wooden table before you.  A scattering of papers sheets, roughly-used books, and some half-eaten pizza lay atop it.

"So, you've found your way to our little table, I see," says a voice from the far chair.  Illuminated in the bright glow of a laptop computer, you can just make out the features of his face. "I'm the DM.  and I'm currently reading from this Homebrewery page."

Just add the CSS style code from below in the source code somewhere on your page, and you'll be good to go!

    .test {
        background-color: #faf7ea;

    .descText {
        font-family : ScalySans;
        background-color: #faf7ea;
        border-style: solid;
        border-width: 7px;
        border-image: url("") 12 round;
        border-image-outset: 4px;
        margin-bottom: 1em;
        box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px #faf7ea;
        display: block-inline;
    .descText p{
        display: block;
        line-height: 1.5em;
        padding-bottom: 0px;
    .descText p + p {
        padding-top: .8em;

    .descText em {
            font-family : ScalySans;
            font-style  : italic;
    .descText strong {
      font-family    : ScalySans;
      font-weight    : 800;
      letter-spacing : -0.02em;

It might not be exactly the same as the PHB but it's close.

stolksdorf commented 7 years ago

Love it. I've tweaked it and added it as a base style and as a new snippet in v2.2.7. Thanks so much!