naturalcrit / homebrewery

Create authentic looking D&D homebrews using only markdown
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Layout fucked up (screenshots attached) #263

Closed BaronMurph closed 7 years ago

BaronMurph commented 7 years ago

After showing my current brew to a few people, I've encountered a major problem; the layout gets completely fucked up anywhere except for in Google Chrome on my own computer. It gets fucked up in pdfs, share link, and edit links in Microsoft Edge on my computer, and in Edge, Chrome, and Firefox on other computers. A bunch of examples: On my computer in Chrome: On my computer in Edge: On someone else's computer in Firefox: On someone else's computer in Chrome: Our screens are both the same size and our browsers at 100% zoom. Share link:

I'd have suspected it to be my chrome's fault, but it looks differently fucked up on different browsers, and one person I showed it to had no issues at all using their chrome.

dmmagic commented 7 years ago

Homebrewery is optimized for Chrome. It would be a hell of a feat to make it work exactly the same in all browsers.


stolksdorf commented 7 years ago

As @dmmagic said, The Homebrewery is only built for chrome. Checking your screenshots, it looks like things are rendering fine in Chrome. If you need to share it with people who may not have Chrome, I suggest your export it to PDF first.