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Everything other than page 1 does not work. Can not use efficiently. #281

Closed Flexbian closed 5 years ago

Flexbian commented 7 years ago

Have been coming on and off on Homebrewery, writing bits here and there for DnD campaign. However I have tried using it today, and yesterday, and some pages are missing, and things are in places they should not be. However I can not correct any issues due to the fact I can not edit anything other than page 1.

I have tried to make a new homebrewery and paste in all the code, it works perfectly, however upon saving, it reverts back to being completely broken, with the same issues listed above.

It seems my page 2 has merged with page 1, and page 3 has been completely deleted. The rest is completely uneditable.

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##### The Search for Artifact Two
I have decided to write this for personal use - not making this new-DM friendly.
##### Contents | Chapter | | |:----:|:-------------| |1|Before arrival| |2|:Local Area| |3|:The people and quests| |4|:-------------| |5|:-------------| |6|:-------------|
\page ### Edits and crap - Tarn - Inter connected quests - all connect to Thieves Dungeon of Traps. All quests supply information on dungeon. ### TARN ONLY ABOVE - Bread Factory ... Can continue to meet Clegan for drinks, but no interest in becoming adventurer. - Gnome Kingdom of Dramblert in the Mountains. **NEEDS TO BE ADDED** - TABLE - More Bandit Hunting quests - Add Mathieo Losieo Bounty Hunt Quest - Grand Owl Knights - More Monster Hunting orientated - NEED MORE BOUNTIES - Imperial Legion - Demon scouting into Fort Armen - Circle Ultimate - More wizardry quests - Waldemar Bartkowiak RELIGIOUS GO TO MAR-TU-GERE - Makzok Eardina needs adding into main quest - Bones of the spirits that haunt Free Folk inside Widdice Inn are in (dungeon). - Werewolf clan building army? - NEED A MOUNTAIN GUIDE SIMILAR TO DEADLAND GUIDE MISSING PEOPLE ### NOT WRITTEN ABOUT BELOW "Quip" Paulino Puggi - What would that lord want? Sylas Meekshin - Paulino Puggi advisor Sir.Golo - missing ships, tour party. Dungeon creation SECTION DEDICATED TO AFTER CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS COMPLETED Dragon sanctuary Kao-Toa Nobles are praising the Duke statue "god" and have expitidions to Fort Armen Fort Armen to be like the Warden base in Dragon Age EVERYTHING BELOW STEVE RUCKSAND IS WHERE MOTIVATION WAS LOST - will need to rewrite. \page ### Chapter One: Before Arrival Perkit has recently started using adventurers to locate artifacts he studied in an ancient tome - he has been succesful recently with one artifact - The Eye of Zarakim - which was implanted into the "face" of a monstrosity created by the undying Elf down in Rahk-Ma-Vhi's forgotten ruins.
Now that Perkit possesses one artifact, he informs the party of a second in Morvalle - Ksam Yek, a wonderous magical helmet created for a scout that became a legend later known only as "One Twenty Seven".
##### Ksam Yek Although not a helmet as Perkit describes, Ksam Yek as it is commonly called to those who know it - would much prefer to have realised the real name "Key Mask" - Perkit would not realise this and relay that he believes it is a screwed Goblinoid translation saying "Dust Sanctuary" or something similar. #### Key Mask *Wonderous Item Legendary* ___ This mask feels heavy and will need a DC 21 Strength check to lift this mask (300lb). Once placed on face and speaking the command word "Lock", the mask will lock itself firmly to the wearer dealing 2D8+4 points of piercing damage as small keylike spikes embed themselves to the wearers skull.
Whilst equipped the wearer gets blindsight of 20ft around them and will be able to sense the exact location of any living creature they choose as long as they have seen the living creature before with the mask on, also the wearer can not speak, eat, or use their mouth in general, including to speak the command word to release; "Strings".
##### One Twenty Seven The story of the Halfling hero, who saved the Halfling king from the clutches of a horrible succubus who had imprisoned him in a Bullywug Kings treasure hoard. It is told that the Succubus took the shape of the Queen and had planted a kiss on the king which left a suggestion spell. They kissed, and kissed and all seemed well... until the succubus later revealed it was all a trap, and the king (and the bed he was un-willingly chained to) were taken by a flying demon the succubus had summoned. Nobody knew where the king had gone, until a soldier of the kings men stepped forth, with four scar marks entrenched in his face; "I am soldier One Twenty Seven; and I shall make it my duty to find and return our rightful king". He lifted and placed a pecuilar mask onto his face before shouting "lock" and marching out of the keep. Through much tracking, and fighting of beasts, the Halfling Hero made peace with the Bullywug king, and together, they vanquished the vile succubus; restoring order to the land.

After many days the Halfling returned with the king, a feast was held upon his return to tell tale of his great heroic savior; One Twenty Seven.

Getting to Morvale

The most common form of travel into Morvale is by ship, there is regular travel from Rahk-Ma-Vhi to the porting town of Shidenache which has travel to Morvale. (Remove rations!)

Captain Cost
Cpt Moorcroft 50sp
Nathaniel 100sp
Sir Pettumal 150sp
Lady Faena 175sp
Jester Welch 200sp
Bhouter Mabtrithe Free*

*Must be allied with Bhouters

Captain Moorcroft

Honest Human Captain Moorcroft will inform that money means little to him when he sees those that are already able to fight on his ship. Before going to Morvale, him and his bounty hunting crew are off to capture a young adult white dragon. Which you will be helping capture, but shall not be paid if you wish to join his ship. (pg.)


Calls himself "God of the Sea", and his crew of other "gods", are going to meet the God of Time in Morvale on Time God Island... or so they say. (pg.)

Sir Pettumal

This Gnome is on military business, but is taking on "help" to clean, make food, entertain, amongst other things on the ship. When they arrive, the "help" will be the first to leave. (pg.)

Lady Faena

The Halfling sailing ship is on merchant business importing and exporting goods to other buyers from coast to coast, this journey they are exporting jars of dragonflies, tango herbs, and empty barrels. Lady Faena knows travelers generate bonus money.

Jester Welch

This sailing ship is exporting and importing special goods which are kept securely locked and guarded, they have high quality rooms available and provide entertainment to all travelers.

Bhouter Mabtrithe

The Bhouters are exporting product into The Legion Lands from Morvale. Unless you are trusted; boarding this ship in any way without a Bhouter seal or senior approval letter, will result in after the ship taking off the Bhouters attempting to kidnap you and using you as a slave. If the Bhouters successfully beat the party. The party survives 8D10 days before being swapped out for better slaves and executed on deck.


Captain Moorcroft

While spending 1D4+1 days travelling on the ship that is armed and ready to capture a large beast, the crew are in high spirits all the journey, only two people to note on this ship during travel aside from the Captain himself; a Halfling that has been looking out at the open sea through his spyglass almost the whole journey has certainly caught many peoples attention. 1D6 days to arrive at Morvale after dragon encounter

The rest of the crew are anxious and excited to capture a dragon, but believe they are more than ready.

##### Distant Gnome This Gnome was already on the ship when you boarded, and has been staring intently out to it almost the entire journey. You've learned from the others that he is not a member of the crew, and another Captain Moorcroft thought worthy to join the capture. He wears common travellers clothes on deck, but has a scroll case tied to his side which details the quest Captain Moorcroft agreed to complete for the Wise Owl Knights - to capture Lioth the Rust for crimes against nature. #### Dimi'gneck Fenzir Unknown to the rest of the crew, this Gnome is a prestige member of the Wise Owl Knights of The Legion Lands who has his armour, weapon, and owl, safely resting in the Captains Quarters. He is the quest giver to Captain Moorcroft.

The Dragon Capture

Whilst the ship rips through the ocean, the crew start to talk of "being there" and after a short time, the aura on the ship becomes tense, the talking and movement on the ship suddenly stop when the sound from the skies bellow a loud roar. As the Gnome looks up with his Spyglass as do the rest of the crew, all eyes locked on the dragon. The captain wades himself out of his room and orders of everyone to be ready.

Moorcrofts Ship

Huge construct, unaligned

  • Armor Class 15

  • Hit Points 329(1d4 + 5)

  • Speed 40 ft.


    Multiattack The ship can make two ballista attacks, one archer volley attack.

  • Ballista Range Weapon Attack: + 4 to hit, reach 180ft., one target. Hit: 24 (8D6) piercing damage. (recharge 1-2).

  • Archer Volley Range Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 80ft., one target. Hit: 15 (5D6) piercing damage.

Lioth the Rust

Large dragon, chaotic evil

  • Armor Class 17 (natural armour

  • Hit Points 153(14d10 + 76)

  • Speed 40 ft., burrow 20 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40ft.

    18 (+4) 10 (+0) 18(+4) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)

  • Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +7, Wis +3 , Cha +4

  • Skills Perception +6, Stealth +3

  • Damage Immunities cold

  • Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 16

  • Languages Common, Draconic

  • Challenge 6 (2300 XP)

    Ice Walk The dragon can move across and climb icy surfaces without needing to make an ability check. Additionally, difficult terrain composed of ice or snow doesn't cost it extra moment.


    Multiattack The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

  • Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) cold damage.

  • Claw Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.

  • Cold Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exhales an icy blast in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

##### Battle Plan Lioth is 760ft., up in the air, he is aware of the ship and is merely showing his frightful presence this close range before swooping down. Moorcroft will begin shooting ballistas as soon as Lioth beings to dive. When Lioth reaches 200ft., Moorcroft will order Archer Volleys, and to stop shooting ballistas and shoot nets instead when Lioth reaches 100ft. If Lioth is hit with a net, Lioth must make a DC23 Strength check or be paralyzed for one round unless "netted" again. If Lioth reaches the ship, sprays Cold Breath over ship and water around the ship before diving underneath and ripping the ship apart from the inside out. After the Dragon has been subdued on the ship, Dimi'gneck will pay Moorcroft whilst wearing his heraldic owl-like armour.



You spend 1D4+3 days on this ship, being asked almost every day what you are the God of, as Nathaniel only lets Gods on his ship - that apparently used to be a kraken, that Nathiel fell in love with and the kraken became a ship, but it still needs and a working mind - something you really wish the rest of these lunatics had.

##### What happens? The weather is fair, but on the fourth day, it is bitterly cold; you ask yourself if there is a Sun god on this ship, and start to doubt the real gods... Have each player roll a D100. ##### Am I Going Mad? | D100 | Effect | |:----:|:-------------| | 01-62 | Nothing happens| |63-80|You talk about being a Sun God| |81-91|You are easily distracted by fire |85-94|You are God of the Sun burn those who oppose| |95-100|You really enjoy burning things|

When you reach Time God Island, you find an icy igloo hut with a pine tree growing in what looks like the middle of a frozen ocean. Nathiel calls for a God to volunteer to meet the God of Time known as Timmut, and reclaim the time sword.

Timmut God of Time

Medium Humanoid, neutral

  • Armor Class 12
  • Hit Points 14(2d10 + 4)
  • Speed 40ft.
    9 (-1) 11 (+1) 12 (+2) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 9 (-1)

  • Condition Immunities groggy, drunk, buzzed
  • Senses passive Perception 19
  • Languages Common
  • Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)


Timesword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) If hit by the Timesword it deals 5 (1d6 + 2) radiant damage

Nathiel will pick an NPC God (if a PC does not volunteer - if multiple volunteer he will choose only one to come with him) to meet Timmut and reclaim Timesword.

Timmut is an old scrawny weathered man, the igloo is smooth and a DC 25 climb check. It is not dark outside, and the inside is also easy to see. The floor is littered with clothes, buckets of fish, and blankets.

When approached, Timmut will be defensive about seeing the God of the Sea. Nathaniel may talk to Timmut, but ultimately, Nathaniel wants to kill and claim the sword.

##### If No PC's Enter Nathaniel and another God go into the Igloo, a few moments later, they come back out with the sword, Nathaniel will order the ship to set sail to Morvale. If PC's want to investigate Timmut before Nathaniel sets off; Nathaniel will question their motives, and tell them his kraken ship wife tells him that she will not allow them back on the ship if they try to leave.
##### If A PC Enters Nathaniel will talk to Timmut and demand the sword, Timmut will not give the sword without a DC 15 charisma check - advantage if the players say Nathaniel will kill Timmut. If fails to persuade, Nathaniel will tell the old man to be ready, and will attack the Time God. After the sword has been reclaimed, Nathaniel will want to get back to the ship as soon as possible to get to Morvalle for the Gods to pray in their church for the loss of a god.

Nathaniel God of Sea

Medium Humanoid, Chaotic neutral

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 45(5d8 + 5)
  • Speed 25ft.
    15 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+2) 12 (+2) 18 (+4) 13 (+1)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 3
  • Languages Common
  • Challenge 12 (6614 XP)


Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2)

When Nathaniel and his crew arrive at Morvale, PC's will be asked to help move items from the ship to their church.

It will take 1 day after Timmut to arrive at Morvale.


Sir Pettumal

The journey is swift taking 1d4 days, although you are looked down upon by some. Many of the soldiers are quite welcoming to you, and make your journey a lot more pleasant than you thought it would be. Some of the men even give you information to where to find them if ever in need of accomodation in Morvale or to pay them back for the mead they've been giving you.

##### Soldiers Whereabouts The soldiers Ryndal, Coshmitt, and Jace are residing can be found every night in the Hush Shadow Inn; at the centre of Drownyard, one of the PC's owe Jace 2sp, as the PC accidently left their coin purse in the "help" quarters, and then forgot to pay Jace back. Otherwise they can be found just outside the town of Drownyard, training in the miitary encampment to be ready to march into the Deadlands.

1d4 travel.

Lady Faena

When you get to the ship and the Harbour-hand explains that you have paid for travel on Lady Faena's ship. You are barked at like a dog to help move more barrels onto the ship. Failure to comply will result to denial of entry on her ship.

After helping to move an unreasonable amount of barrels from warehouse to ship, with warning only from other crew members and people boarding the ship - it almost suddenly sets sail after the last barrel is locked in place. Lady Faena, although only a Halfling, barks orders like a wretched dog, only stopping to eat a seemingly never ending sandwich or to smoke. You all eventually get cover from the harrasment when nightfall hits and the barking dog sleeps.

You meet another adventuring party, on their way to Morvale to learn more about Fort Armen - they heard there is a dungeon in there and the loot will be worth the harrasment they are being put through now. Arrive 1d4 days

##### Adveturers at Fort Armen Four adventurers you met on the trip to Morvalle on Lady Faena's ship tell tale of treasure in Fort Armen. They are not keen on you joining them as they don't even know how much loot is there, and don't fully trust you. A DC 13 Charisma check may persuade them otherwise.

Jester Welch

"The Jester" or so he is called, with a scruffy unshaved face, and a stench of booze and fish greets you as you walk aboard his ship. You are treated to food, drinks, entertainment, excellent accomodation, the sail is relaxing, and you almost forget the quest you're supposed to be on.

Whilst relaxing aboard the ship, you hear two guards talking about the secure item that was brought on board.

"I hear it's a legendary hammer that killed a Tarrasque in one hit"

"Nah, I heard it's a helmet that let's you remember where things you've lost is"

"That's not very good?"

"I'd rather remember where I left my mothers ring than kill something..."

"Yeah, I suppose. Anyway, I'm going to get some food, want to join me?"

1d6+2 days travel

If a Player Plans To Steal

They must be able to get past two guards in to the captain quarters, evade the Jester, and find the trap door amonst the empty bottles and messy room:

  • DC 5 reveals a locked door under the carpet.
  • DC 17 search reveals a lockbox under a bookcase, which appears to contain 130gp.
  • DC 19 reveals a hole in a book - hiding the key.
  • DC 22 reveals a cleverly hidden wire

The wire is attached to an alarm trap.

The stairs going down lead to a guard room of containing 5 soldiers, one of the soldiers will try to flee to call for help - if succesful, another 5 soldiers join the fray.

The item is locked in a chest inside a cage, the cage is magically superior and will not unlock with thieves tools, only a command word can unlock the lock - any guard will tell you it's "Gakshu" - Goblin for emergency with a DC 15 intimidation check. Jester will tell you for DC 13 intimidation check. A Guard will tell you for a DC 29 persuasion, and Jester will only tell if you are a female, and a DC 25 persuasion check

Inside the chest contains a talking tankard that guides the weilder to the nearest booze or Inn.

If the player at any point should be caught, they are manacled and locked aboard the ship awaiting proper trial for breaking the law. Taken to Shtoh Wind, then forced to march to Tarn for trial. The verdict will be a fight to the death in the colloseum the winner will get Judge Puggi's vote to live or die.

Bhouter Mabtrithe

The Dwarven Bhouter captain will deny travel to any who enquire that do not have specific documentation. If pushed to be persuaded on, the Bhouter will accept hiding her true motive of capturing the party and using them as slaves.

##### Bhouter Shipping Unless you have proper documents, the Bhouters will show you to your room. As soon as all the PC's enter the trapped room, a porticullis slams down and the prison warden casts an anti-magic field on the area. After 24 hours, the Bhouters will force you up, strip the players, and brand them slaves.

If you have proper documents, you get to sail to the Bhouter smuggling cove for free, given horses when you arrive in Morvale, a map, and a clear, easy to follow, safe route to Drownyard 1d4+2 days


Chapter 2: The Local Area

- If you chose Nathaniel or Sir Pettumal, you arrive in Drownyard
- If you chose Cpt Moorcroft you arrive in Tarn
- If you chose Lady Faena you arrive in Wolfsburn
- if you chose Jester Welch you arrive in Shtoh Wind
- If you chose Bhouter Mabtrithe you arrive in Bhouter Smuggler Cove


## Added Information Recap | Names | Cookie Type | |:----:|:-------------| | Dimi'Gneck Fenzir | Wise Owl Knights | | Nathaniel | Church of Gods | | Lioth the Rust | Colloseum Trial | | Ryndal, Coshmitt, and Jace | Men of Radiance | | Looting Party | Fort Armen | |||



The name given - Drownyard - is due to the pertruding rocks close to its port, one of which, looks like a sinking ship. The place is well populated, but the majority are soldiers. The closest civilized before Deadlands. Covered in snow, and the houses lined with icicles, smoke from warm fires fly from many of the buildings chimenys, as does the sound of metal work. Outside the wooden walls of Drownyard, mills, farm houses, scarecrows and barns surround the area.

##### Radiant Men Camphouse The military guild "Radiant Men" have only very recently landed in Morvale, and have set up camp just outside Drownyard awaiting to purge Deadlands. The cream banners with the symbol of Pelor surround their area, as do the sentries of the Radiant Men. **No People to Find**: Ryndall, Coshmitt, and Jace can be found either training or loafing around in the dog kennels. If they have not been met before or at the inn at night; there is nobody here of particular interest.
##### Drownyard Pyre The Drownyard Pyre is a large ever burning bonfire outside town, where the workers are tasked with keeping the fire lit, and to dispose of the dead.
##### The Champions Smithy This stone building is a small two story forge, Champion Lichi Drahono can be found here either working, or leaning against his house at night. The first floor is a shop, the basment is a stockroom and bedroom. Lichi creates weapons, tools, and armour for normal price. **No People to Find**: If this is the first time going to this area "Quip" will be there. If a player speaks to "Quip" - and it's not the fifth encounter with him - "Quip" appologies and hastily leaves, avoiding all questions. "Quip" will not return here after the first encounter with him.
##### Deadland Guide House This quaint little house made of stone bricks is the home and workplace of "Jeranth" and Gark Lostyard. Inside is grand and wooden, with animal heads mounted to the walls and a large ornate fireplace with three comfy chairs. "Jeranth" and Gark sleep in seperate rooms, "Jeranth" sometimes staying at the Inn. They have common supplies.
##### Iron Works The Iron works is a forge and mine inside Drownyard, players will see it is a working mine, and will be told only workers can enter the mines, and should really go to the Iron Work shop. The Iron Works shop is a three story building. The top is a rest area for the mine workers, the ground floor is a shop ran by Krem. The basement is a store room.

##### Hush Shadow Inn The Hush Shadow Inn sells Winter Clothes, common drink, and common food, and poor accomodation in the form of a room with blankets and matresses spread across the floor, with other residents laying in the same room. There are two bards hired by the Inn to play fiddle and flute, soldiers of The Radiant Men keep this place from seeming gloomy as they joke and slosh beer. Other patrons are miners, farmers, pyre workers, and other assorted peasants. On first entering, the Inn is quiet as Captain Hilda makes an announcement of the opening of the Quest to find Dorrell and Maurice.
##### General Drowning Goods "Armen" the elf is the general goods seller in Morvale, he sells all general goods for the normal price. His shop is small, and the players might worry about knocking something over with how haphazardly it's all sitting around.
##### Last Stop Before Adventure Land The sign outside clearly used to say "Deadland" but has been recently changed. Inside is a tounge in cheek jokester Gnome, with his wife who does not find his jokes funny. He'll begin by asking "If you're off to Deadlands, you might aswell spend all your money here first! No point it going to waste, amiright?" He sells common items at double the normal price. But will buy adventuring items at shop value.
##### Drownyard Guard House Just on the entrance into Drownyard, a stone tower building is on the left. Inside you will have the ability to report a crime, or buy manacles, and moderate healing potions for double the price from the red haired, and heavily scarred Dwarf "Grinkle", he won't buy anything though.
##### Stables The stables just inside Drownyard can hold mythical creatures, horses, or even constructs, for 20cp., a day. All mount equimpent and creatures can be bought here at normal price.
##### Harbour No ship here leaves to go anywhere else in Morvale.



While in Deadlands, roll D100 everytime you are searching to find what you are looking for. Each search is 10 minutes.

Guide:If you are with a guide, only roll a maximum of 10 times before finding what you are looking for.


Blood Crows

Deadlands is a heavily forested area with multiple buildings scattered about inside. In the centre of Deadlands is a shrine with a torn open red portal atop it, this is where the crows come from. If a person is pecked by a crow, they must make DC10 saves or begin to rot away. Crows do not stray far from the portal and seem to stay in Deadlands. Exposure goes as follows:

  • Initial Peck: Peck wound bleeds and area greys.
  • 10 Minutes: Brusing and headache
  • 20 Minutes: Coughing blood, skin greys.
  • 30 Munutes: Seizures, eyes fall back and bleed.
  • 40 Minutes: Loss of mobility and brain function
  • 50 Minutes: Skin noticeably rotting away
  • 60 Minutes: Become undead creature.
##### Cleric Encampment Camp can provide healing to those afflicted by Bloodcrows. They are protected by the spell Sanctuary.
##### Hermit House A light flickers inside what appeared to be a tree, on closer inspection you can see the tree has windows. Inside lives a Male Halfing called "Perkinio" trying to create an anti-virus.
##### Corpse with Magical Amulet The magical amulet is connected to the dormant shield guardian that stands in the forest. Connecting the two grants a shield guardian to follow the wearer.
##### Sinking Bloody Mud The ground ahead is covered in what looks like fresh blood. Inspecting the area further has the player pulled into the ground requires a DC16 Strength check to stop sinking.
##### The Unsigned Inn A building, appearingly boarded up, has 19 zombies surround it trying to hammer their way inside. The Inn is home to two female dwarves, one male human, and a male half-orc who welcome their saviours and offer food, drink, and rest.
Crows Attack Each Search
D100 Search
1-5 Zombie Human Soldier
6-10 Zombie Elf Soldier
11-15 Zombie Dwarf Soldier
16-20 Zombie Gnome Soldier
21-25 Zombie Half-Orc Soldier
26-30 Zombie Halfling Soldier
31-35 Zombie Half-Elf Soldier
36-40 Hoard: Eight Zombies
41-45 Cleric Encampment
46-49 Looted Empty House
50-55 Looted Infested House
56-60 Zombie Deer
61-64 Zombie Bear
65-70 Zombie Horse
71-75 Screams
76 Hermit House
78 Enraged Treant
79 Corpse with Magical Amulet
80 Gravov (Reroll if found before)
81 Dormant Shield Guardian
82 Burnt Bodies
83 Corpses Nailed to Trees
84 Afflicted Adventurers
85 Child Zombie
86 Sinking Bloody Mud
87 "Beware the Crows" graffiti
88 Graveyard
89 Assassin
90 Hanging Corpses
91 Looted Caravan
92 Looted Empty Tower
93 Running Soldier
94 Dieing Farmhouse
95 Zombie Infested Barn
96 Phase Spider
97 Icy Lake - Frozen Corpses
98 Couple Having Fantasy Sex
99 The Unsigned Inn
100 The Crow Portal


Shtoh Wind

##### TABLE Guild House This stone and wooden bungalow does not look special and looks like an ordinary store - except for the fact adventurers seem to frequent in there without buying anything. Inside, the shop is almost empty of people, the store owner Fib'otif is a loud happy merchant with a beaming smile.
##### Wise Owl Knights Guild House The Wise Owl Knights Guild House can be found fairly easily near the entrance of Shtoh Win, it stands out due to it's tower covered in bird poop with depictions of owls etched into the stone walls. Outside a banner with a picture of an owl and a sword stands with two Wise Owl Knights standing guard - but people can freely enter. Inside scribes sit reading and writing in what appears to be a messy large library. Wise Owl Knights are moving about the building and discussing private matters. One Knight stands out in particular as the players enter and beings to approach them...
##### Imperial Legion Guild House The Imperial Legion of The Empire of the West has spreaded its influence after the demon attack a few hundred years ago. Men and women in heavy armour are being trained loudly inside, banners and art work depicting the god Heironeous are visbibly obvious. A slim man in a regal blue cloak with black hair is talking to two Imperial Legion generals before they leave under his order. He spots the party and will approach them.
##### Circle Ultimate Guild House The only magic guild in Morvale are also the only law holders of magiks, their symbol being a purple circle on a black banner is draped around the roof of the guild. Inside appears tropical and warm, although it seems empty of people, a herbalist extracts plants, and what appears to be an Archmage is explaining the process to what the herbalist is doing. Spell components, and other common magical supplies can be bought here at normal price. Uncommon and rarer can be bought here for triple the price.
##### Morvale Mountain Guides This stone building is known by many as the first place you should go to if you plan to try and find Mar-Tu-Gere in the mountains. Inside is almost empty, and cold, there is a singular elderly man sitting on the floor praying. You can buy adventuring equipment here for normal price.
##### Anient Hydra Library This grand library, almost the tallest building in Morvale, home to many legendary books, is a secure safehaven for many magical tombs that could do terrible things in the wrong hands. Inside, among researchers, wizards, and students, and the beautiful floating book shelves that hang over every inch of the walls. A spectator (beholder-kin) called "The Master Librarian" lives, keeping the books in an order he thinks is correct - colour order, being granted help from his homunculus follower. **No People to Find**: If this is the first time going to this area "Quip" will be there. If a player speaks to "Quip" - and it's not the fifth encounter with him - "Quip" appologies and hastily leaves, avoiding all questions. "Quip" will not return here after the first encounter with him.
##### Bread Factory The farms of Drownyard bring wheat and flour to this factory; the workers seem to pump out a crate load of bread every day. Inside you can find a bored female Halfling covered in flour, eating bread, and by herself - she can offer you a tour of the bread factory, or simply make an order.
##### Church of Gods This place is known as the Church of Gods, but only recently have any of the people who own this church been seen. Most the time this church is locked shut, and no sound comes from inside on the first visit here. If a player breaks in, the church is completely derilict and empty. When a player comes back, the church is welcoming and full of life, and is beautiful. Two people of particular interest stand out here. If a player comes here as "God of the Sun", the doors open, and they see the same illusion, but nobody else does.
##### Shtoh Wind Guard House This tiny stone hut is known as Shtoh Wind Guard House. Most the times guards are standing around drinking, and doing nothing useful. Steve Rucksand is the Guard Captain of Shtoh Wind who will sell information, manacles, and poisons to trusted players.
##### The Wheatstone Inn The inn has four chineys, and a grand stone door with a porticullis... not your average looking inn, inside Guards, members of guilds, farmers, and bakers at the factory drink in their groups. A few people do stand out however.



Tarn is the largest area of Morvale, with it's thirst for industry, Tarn is a leading example for the rest of Morvale to follow.

##### Warhall The Warhall of Morvale is the large drinking, eating, and training pit found in Tarn. Wandering adventurers can be found here, taking quests and exchanging information. Five medium build humans stand around a bounty board. **No People to Find**: If this is the first time going to this area "Quip" will be there. If a player speaks to "Quip" - and it's not the fifth encounter with him - "Quip" appologies and hastily leaves, avoiding all questions. "Quip" will not return here after the first encounter with him.
##### Puzzle Course (Rogue Gauntlet) At the dragons bones in centre of town, a jolly fellow with a white beard in sailors garb gabs the players attention, by calling them to ask if they are interested in taking the test of the puzzles. A form of bloody entertainment for those able to reach the end of the dungeon - and for those who watch.
##### Cathedral Colloseum This grand glass, iron, and beautifully decorated building is surrounded by a stone guarded wall 30ft tall. Is almost always swamped with tourists - betting shops - and minimarkets. The owner - Judge Paulinio Puggi - built this building as a way of enforcing law in Morvale. If you are found guilty; you will be sent to the colloseum to fight under the eyes of the Gods - old and forgotten - new and revered. Inside, the entrance, mahogony in colour, a circular desk manned by 12 workers are taking part of the grand exchange of tickets and information.
##### Harbour Your standard docks. Upon entering a noble man with a brown waxed mustache smoking a grand golden pipe, sits on a leaned back chair. He will create conversation - but will not give his quest until you are more well known in Morvale.
##### The Sawmill The large wooden water mill outside this stone building flows with steaming water. Smoke pouring out from the chimney above, as workers shift wood to and from carts, and as thick logs lay outside, covered by a blanket of snow. The wood carved name above the open barn doors read "The Sawmill".
##### Wise Owl Knights This large stone single story, warehouse converted building. With a rickety tower, owls roost, as the banners hang down displaying the symbols of the Wise Owl Knights.


##### Ship Builders Use notes to point out some interesting information. **Tables and lists** both work within a note.
##### Stables Use notes to point out some interesting information. **Tables and lists** both work within a note.


The People and Quests

##### Drownyard | Place | Name |Quest| |:----|:-------------|:------| |Radiant Men Camphouse|Ryndall, Coshmitt, Jace|A Debt to Pay| |Drownyard Pyre|Yeti|Yeti Attack| |Drownyard Pyre|Daniel Vorgon|Simple Supply Work| |The Champions Smithy|Champion Lichi Drahono|Bring Gravov Back| |The Champions Smithy|"Quip"|What Are You Doing Here| |Deadland Guide House|"Jeranth"|Deadly Supplies| |Deadland Guide House|Gark Lostyard|Red Eyed Crow| |Iron Works|Krem|Forgery| |Hush Shadow Inn|Ryndall, Coshmitt, Jace|A Debt to Pay| |Hush Shadow Inn|"Jeranth"|Deadly Supplies |Hush Shadow Inn|Captain Hilda|Dorrell and Maurice|
##### Shtoh Wind | Place | Name |Quest| |:----|:-------------|:------| |Champions Hidden Fraternity|Champion Vanadol Liekl|Assassinate Paulinio Puggi| |Champions Hidden Fraternity|Champion Lichi Drahono|Assassinate Paulinio Puggi| |Champions Hidden Fraternity|"Quip"|What Are You Doing Here| |TABLE Guild House|Fib'otif Ironhall|Let's Turn These Tables| |TABLE Guild House|Fib'otif Ironhall|Never Ending Table| |Wise Owl Knights|Ribburn Shturn|Joining The Grand Owl| |Imperial Legion|Commander Gerk|Dirty Demons| |Imperial Legion|Commander Gerk|Fort Armen| |Circle Ultimate|Thed Urrain|The Reading Mouse| |Ancient Hydra Library|Waldemar Bartkowiak|Wizard Guild Quests| |Ancient Hydra Library|"Quip"|What Are You Doing Here| |Ancient Hydra Library|"Master Librarian"|Tome of Kraken God| |Bread Factory|Clegan Drovean|Unsatisfied Scarecrows| |Church of Gods|Nathaniel|Nathiels Journey| |Morvale Mountain Guides|Makzok Eardina|Guide to Mar-Tu-Gere| |Shtoh Wind Guard House|Steve Rucksand|Petrified Paladin Statue| |The Wheatstone Inn|Mathieo Losieo|Bounty Hunt| |The Wheatstone Inn| Champion Vandol Liekl|Lioth's Dragon Sanctuary|


##### Tarn | Place | Name |Quest| |:----|:-------------|:------| |Warhall|"Pung"|Recruit Me-Nt| |Warhall|"Quip"|What Are You Doing Here| |Warhall Inn||Worse than Kobolds| |Puzzle Course|"Puzzle Master"|Puzzle Dungeon| |Cathedral Colloseum|Executioner|Missing Tools| |Cathedral Colloseum Request Meeting|Paulino Puggi|Panic| |Cathedral Colloseum Request Meeting|Sylas Meekshin|Debts to be Paid| |Cathedral Colloseum|Lioth the Rust|Trial by Combat| |Cathedral Colloseum Prison|"Viper"|Underground Intelligence| |E Harbour||| |E Harbour||| |E Harbour||| |W Harbour|Rudolf|Lighthouse| |W Harbour|Sir. Golo Hedra|Recruit a Crew| |W Harbour|Sir. Golo Hedra|Heist| |The Sawmill|Narda Huffwood|Stop Steve Rucksand| |Wise Owl Knights|Dimi'Gneck Fenzir|Hunting the Wolves| |Glasshouse|Antoinette Avalon|Return Avalon Pride| |Glasshouse|Viser Darkwhisper|Assassination of Art| |Logging Trade House||Sylvan Infestation| |Yawning Portal Inn|Undermountain Module|Undermountain Module| \page
##### Widdice | Place | Name |Quest| |:----|:-------------|:------| |Widdice Inn|"Quip"|What Are You Doing Here| |Widdice Inn|Brigthorne, Craeed, Lilaqui|Free Spirits| |Widdice Memorial|"Pung"|Recruit Me-Nt|
##### Wolfsburn | Place | Name |Quest| |:----|:-------------|:------| |Glasshouse|Antoinette Avalon|Return Avalon Pride| |Glasshouse|Viser Darkwhisper|Assassination of Art| |Logging Trade House||Sylvan Infestation| |Yawning Portal Inn|Undermountain Module|Undermountain Module| |Guard Harbour Fort|Harbour Guard: "Raker"|Tremorsense Guard|
##### Others and Random Encounter Side Quests | Place | Name |Objective| |:----|:-------------|:------| |Traveling Caravan Routes|Krem|Iron Trade| |Traveling Caravan Routes|Narda Huffwood|Cut Timber Trade| |Traveling Caravan Routes|Gnomes of Dramblert|Assorted Goods| |Traveling Caravan Routes|Daniel Vorgon|Raw Logs| |Fort Armen|Looting Party|Fort Armen Dungeon| |Morvale Mountain Tower|Morvale Soldiers|Orc Attack| |Travel RE||Adventurers Statue| |Travel RE||Red Riding Hood| |Travel RE||Army of Statues| |Travel RE||Dorrel and Maurice| |Travel to Tarn|"Tiny" the Rock Elemental|Turn That Light Off|


Ryndall, Coshmitt, Jace

Three soldiers of the Radiant Men military

Ryndall: Human Male 2nd Fighter

Coshmitt: Dwarf Male 2nd Fighter

Jace: Half-Elf Male 1st Wizard

Where Can Be Found

  • Radiant Men Encampment
  • Hush Shadow Inn

Quest: A Debt To Pay

Coshmitt and Ryndall sold some items they had looted in Drownyard to Krem; a merchant found at the Iron Works. When they went to the Hush Shadow Inn, they found they were scammed and that their coins were merely illusions.

They have tried to talk Krem into giving them their money, which he denies he ever scammed them and that they are simply using thier military brute tactics to scam him.

In order not to ruin their reputation, the trio is willing to have a trusted fellow that is not part of Radiant Men to shakedown Krem and take the 2gp., they are owed.

Variants of Play

Krem closes shop at 6pm, the lock can be opened with a DC 10, the door can be broken down with a DC 18, the chimney is a DC 13 climb, the fireplace is guarded by a locked iron grate, he has no alarms or traps inside his iron shop.

  • Persuading Krem to give away money is a DC 26
  • Intimidating Krem is a DC 14
  • Krem will report you to authorities if intimidated
  • Players saying "Radiant Men" or the trio will fail the quest as Krem will report to the authorities and Ryndall, Coshmitt, and Jace will be kicked out.
  • Players can wait to pickpocket Krem when he leaves work to go home. Krem has a snake familar hidden in his pocket with a Hold Person spell ready to stop thieves.
  • Krem house is a small one bedroom bungalow - similar to his shop except an easy to find locked chest with two small bags with 106gp., in one, and 37sp., 109cp., in the other.
  • Talking to the guards yields "If you know he's a scammer, don't buy from him - tell people; if he truly is, he'll go out of business."
  • Champion Lichi Drahono will give the money owed and inform that he will stop this problem happening again - ONLY IF YOU HAVE COMPLETED HIS QUEST

If Lichi Drahono sorts the problem out, Krem can be found temporarily in Tarn awaiting a trial by combat in the Catherdral Colloseum - Krem is replaced by Radiant Men blacksmith Oregon "Twitchy" Markon and recieve -50% off.

Items found in shop: Searching
  • 6 Boxes of Iron Bars containing 16 Iron bars.
  • DC 5 Heavy crossbow with 10 iron crossbow bolts.
  • DC 15 Hidden drawer with 17gp., 20sp.
  • DC 20 Trading documents with Iron Works, Blacksmith and trading caravans.


Free accomodation, food, and drink at the Hush Shadow Inn.


Multiple Yeti attack peasants working at the Pyre outside

Three Peasants

Four Yeti's

Where Can Be Found

Drownyard Pyre

Quest: Yeti Attack

When the players arrive at the Pyre, they immediately spot three peasants under attack by Yeti's who are unhappy with the fire they can see from their cave.

Variants of Play

The peasants are too busy trying to keep the Yeti's away, they have taken burning wood from the Pyre to keep the Yeti's away, and the Yeti's are getting angrier.

  • Kill the Yeti's
  • Scare the Yeti's away with fire
  • Put out the fire
  • Call the guard

If scare the Yeti's, guards will begin to guard the area.

Putting out the fire makes the Yeti's happy and will flee, however Drownyard will think you care more for Yeti's than the people of Drownyard. -1 charisma checks in Drownyard.

Calling the Guard results in the peasants being killed, and the Yeti's throwing snow at the fire.


"Thanks" - Persuade or Initmidate to earn 5cp., per player.

Daniel Vorgon

If the players return to the Pyre, a Human Male peasant is working that was not there before.

Where Can Be Found

Drownyard Pyre

Quest: Simple Supply Work

Daniel requests if the party are interested in a simple quest to deliever some documents to Wolfsburn, and return to the Pyre with the logs requested in the documentation.

Variants of Play

Wolfsburn already knowns the players are coming, and the logs are ready and waiting to go. Documents are just proof of who you say you are.

  • Players need to move two cart loads of logs from Wolfsburn to Drownyard Pyre
  • Stables in Tarn have two bears used for pulling, but only one cart available to purchase.
  • The ship from Wolfsburn to Tarn has a crane to easily lift the logs for 1sp., per use.
  • If players use a cart, in Widdice a cart wheel snaps off.
  • Gnomes of Dram-Blert in the Mountain pass offer to buy the wood for triple the price Daniel is offering.




Champion Lichi Drahono

Can be found at his forge making adjustments to his iron maul and whistling a tune, trophies decorate his forge.

Lichi Drahono:Human Male 12th Barbarian

Gravov Drahono:Human Male 12HD Undead

Where Can Be Found

The Champions Smithy

Quest: Bring Gravov Back

Gravov, brother of Lichi, has gone missing during an expedition into Deadlands, Lichi wants you to find Gravov and bring him home - no matter what.

Lichi is very worried about Gravov and would make his way in there himself; but fears that the worst may have happened to Gravov, and Lichi would rather not see that.

##### Gravov Drahono Large twin brother of Lichi found in Deadlands with multiple arrows, spears, and other assorted weapons pertruding from his body, wielding a magical cleaver. **Gravov Cleaver** 1D6+1 Slashing Melee weapon enchanted with the spell "Mighty Cleave" - When this weapon cleaves a foe, the top half of their body disintergrates into ash.

Variants of Play

  • Have players choose between hiring a guide or not.
  • If they choose to hire a guide, choose which guide.
  • Entering without a guide is extremely dangerous as they will be told by almost everyone.
  • Kill Gravov bring corpse back.
  • Bring Zombie Gravov back.
  • Not bringing Gravov back will prompt Lichi to remind them what he asked them to do - Bring him back.

Guides: Go to Drownyard Guide House quests.

No Guide: When they enter, go to "Deadlands".


20gp., and Gravov Cleaver - magical weapon.


Can be found inside the Deadlands Guide House packing supplies into a bag, sharpening her sickle, or reading.

"Jeranth":Halfling Female 4th Ranger

where Can Be Found

Deadland Guide House: Hire for Deadlands: 70sp.

Hush Shadow Inn: At the bar relaxing each night.

Quest: Deadly Supplies

Jeranth will inform that she can guide you through Deadlands, but she also needs to stop by her friends house in the forest to deliver some supplies. Will take a maximum of 2 rolls for her to find the Hermit House. When "Jernath" arrives at the Hermit house, the two Halflings speak Halfling to eachother.

"These guys helped me get here. I brought your stuff."

"Excellent! I have just finished creating the antidote!"

"Good work Perkinio! I shall take some to sell at home."

Variants of Play

  • Refusing to help "Jeranth" may result in her abandoning the party in the Deadlands.
  • "Jeranth" has "Herbalist Kit" and "Healers Kit", a sickle, 1gp,. and however much the players payed.


Small Humanoid, Lawful Good

  • Armor Class 17
  • Hit Points 25
  • Speed 30ft.
    13 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (0) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 11 (+1)

  • Languages Common, Halfling
  • Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

    Blood Crow Immune. "Jeranth" is immune to Blood Crow disease.


    Sickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d4 + 3)

Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.


Crow antidote for each player which lasts one hour, keeps crows away. Heals Blood Crow disease.

Antidotes can be bought off "Jeranth" for 100gp., each.

Gark Lostyard

Can be found inside the Deadlands Guide House smoking a pipe, tending to the fire, or drawing a map of Deadlands.

Gark Lostyard:Human Male 2nd Druid

Hire for Deadlands: 50sp.

where Can Be Found

Deadland Guide House

Quest: Red Eyed Crow

Gark will inform when you are in Deadlands that he has been keeping a secret from "Jeranth" and everybody else. He may be able to close the portal with a rune he has created. He would like to be protected while traveling to the portal to throw the stone in, and hopefully close it.

The stone is indeed magical, but it unfortunately will not close the portal. More Blood Crows will leave the portal and a Red Eyed Demon will appear. Gark will then believe that killing the demon will close the portal.


If the demon dies, and Gark is still alive, Gark will cover the portal in earth. Stopping more Blood Crows and possible demons appearing; and then propose a retreat back.

Variants of Play

  • A magical player inspecting the stone with a DC18 will reveal that the stone is useless and will not work.
  • Assist Gark to the portal and let him throw it in.
  • Throwing in the stone spawns a demon.
  • Revealing what has happened to anyone other than Gark (if Gark is still alive), will spread panic. Radiant Men, Imperial Legion, Wise Owl Knights will join for a meeting to discuss the situation and will later begin to march in to seal the gate and try to purge the area of crows.


Your money back.


Can be found inside his iron shop ready to sell his wares or on his caravan making his way to Tarn to sell goods.

Krem:Gnome Male 1st Wizard

Keemstar:Gnome Male Noble

Twelve Dram-Blert Guards

Where Can Be Found

Iron Works

Random Encounter on Caravan Route

Quest: Forgery

Krem will discuss this job to only someone that looks shady, and will ask them to speak to him in private on a caravan ride to Tarn.

Krem needs a silver tongued rogue to go the Gnome Kingdom of Dram-Blert to convince the Gnomes up there that Krem ordered iron ore for his forge, and that he has already payed for via a contract.

Krem will give you a bag of gold just in case they refuse.

Variants of Play

  • Go to Dramblert, convince King Killer Keemstar, take the ore back to Krem.
  • Tell the guards of Krem's plot, leads to investigation.
  • Tell King Killer Keemstar of the plot, Keemstar's men kidnap Krem and the body can be found hanging over the mountain pass as a warning.
  • The bag of gold is an illusion which will be identified by a Gnome wizard of Dram-Blert. You are under arrest for trying to scam Gnome King Keemstar.
  • King Keemstar can be persuaded with a DC 5 as he is easily manipulated.


If you complete Krem quest succesfully how he asked.

You gain: a chest filled with illusionary gold: 500gp.

If you choose to start an investigation yeilds no results. Krem gets away with it. Only after revisiting Drownyard.

Keemstar will say "I can't control what my men do! Don't blame me!" or simply "forget" anything that happened to him.

Captain Hilda

Captain Hilda will be encountered when going into the Hush Shadow Inn asking if anyone has seen a Dwarf named Dorrell or his bear Maurice. Otherwise she can be found watching the fire eating and drinking a mug of mead.

Where Can Be Found

Hush Shadow Inn

Quest: Dorrell and Maurice

Dorrell and Maurice have gone missing whilst Captain Hilda and her crew travelled from Shtoh Wind to Drownyard. The rest of Captain Hilda's crew have gone to Wolfsburn to finish their quest. Captain Hilda has stayed to offer reard if Dorrell can be found (and if possible) be brought back to her alive.

Variants of Play

  • Dorrell and Maurice are a random encounter, and can be found during travelling during a blizzard.


12gp., Spell Scroll to summon Maurice.

Champion Vanadol Liekl

Can only be found at the Wheatstone Inn until all of "Quip's" quests are complete.

Vanadol Liekl:Elf Female 6th Fighter 4th Sorcerer

Where Can Be Found

Champions Hidden Fraternity

Wheatstone Inn

Quest: Assassinate Paulinio Puggi

You should first met Vanadol at the Wheatstone Inn muttering to herself in Draconic. If a player approaches her and can speak Draconic they can understand that she is talking to herself about killing Paulino Puggi - if the player confronts her, she will act confused, and tell you not to listen in on other peoples conversations. If pushed she will leave the Inn and disappear. She has actually disappeared into the Hidden Fraternity which has an anti-teleportation, anti-scrying, and other protection magiks enchanted on it.

If no player speaks Draconic and speaks to her, Vanadol will appear friendly and buy the players a drink and try to enjoy their company because she "needs to take the mind off things" - but will refuse to explain what the "things" are.

If encountered at the Hidden Fraternity via "Quip" she will tell you the plans on assassinating Paulino Puggi.

##### Assassination Plan Because this will only be available if a player speaks Draconic; the plan will be: "Quip" will disable the Cathedral Colosseum's protection Magiks, Lichi will arm some veterans and people he trusts to fight the Wise Owl Knights. Vanadol will try to escort innocents away from the Cathedral Colosseum with help from the Imperial Legion. Your job, is to get arrested, and convince Loith to freeze and kill Judge Puggi, and to flee imprisonment.


Variants of Play

  • Doing as they ask, all goes to plan.
  • Loith enjoys being fed sacrifices, and cheering crowds, and needs more convincing... DC 18 persuasion.
  • Tell the guards - a champion will call you guilty and you will stand trial for falsly accusing a Champion.
  • Telling Paulino Puggi will have you both go for trial for plotting against the law. "Quip" will disable the magic of the Colosseum for Vanadol to escape.
  • Telling Paulino Puggi about the Hidden Fraternity will tighten magical security of his building, and have Vanadol, Lichi, and "Quip" executed. You are awarded the title "Hero of Morvale", given an estate in Wolfsburn, 25,000gp., and you are now a noble


Gain Champion Hidden Fraterity as a player house, Lichi and Vanadol offer to create a magical weapon for the player that was arrested.

After two in-game days, Vanadol, Lichi, "Quip", and the arrested player will be caught by guards and guilds. You are sentenced to death by Commander Gerk of the Imperial Legion - for cospiracy, murder, and use of illegal magiks.

Fib'otif Irohall

Fib'otif can be found inside his table store polishing tables.

Fibo'tif Ironhall:Elf Male 2nd Rogue

Where Can Be Found

TABLE Guild House

Quest: Let's Turn These Tables

Fib'otif is one of a few members of TABLE (The Amazing Bandit League Enders) who hunt down bandits.

When the players enter with armour and weapons Fib'otif marvels at your items and asks what he can do for you in his shop. If a player enquires about a quest, Fib'otif exclaims "Ah, I don't have any of those Sir/Ma'am!" while sliding an envelope across the table.

Inside the envelope reads "To whom it may concern, we have enclosed a map to the Bhouter smuggler cove you can get to from Drownyard. Go there and blow up their ship, you will find explosives hidden under a blanket of snow near the tree we have highlighted. Bring tindertwigs. - TABLE"

Variants of Play

  • Tell the guards, who will take the letter and later forget.
  • Steal the explosives, next session they mysteriously vanish with only a note left saying "Boom! And it's gone".
  • They bluff their way in to plant explosives.
##### Bluffing To bluff their way in, they must be a Dwarf wearing Bhouter uniform. Bhouter ensignia or contracts do not work. A bluffing Dwarf in Bhouter armour has a DC 8 Persuasion check. A bluffing Dwarf with mixed race "slaves" has a DC 13 A bluffing Dwarf in Bhouter armour with mixed race "slaves" still wearing adventuring gear had a DC 20 A bluffing Dwarf not in Bhouter uniform has a DC 35.
Before players arrive

Following the map is a DC 5, finding the explosives is a DC 8, a DC 25 finds a buried chest containing thunderstones, a spell scroll of invisability sphere, a ruined note, and damaged artwork worth 110gp.

##### Bhouter Scout Whilst walking the snowy mountain path, suddenly a few stones fall from the side of the stone walls, as the players look up, they see a dark figure trying to hide behind the rocks. Roll initative. The players have 2 rounds to get to the figure before a raven flies with a note attatched to it's leg to the Bhouter camp warning of intruders.


Medium Humanoid, Lawful Evil

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 17(4d6 + 5)
  • Speed 25ft.
    10 (+0) 12 (+1) 15 (+3) 10 (0) 14 (+2) 8 (-1)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 15
  • Languages Common, Dwarvish, Thieves Can't
  • Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)


Mancatcher Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2) If hit by the man catcher, the player must make a DC 13 strength check or be paralyzed for 1 round

Shortbow Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80 ft./320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.

If the players get to the Bhouter Scout before the raven flies; when the party get to the smuggler cove the Dwarven Bhouters are relaxed and not expecting anything.

If the raven got away; when the party arrive, the camp appears empty, and when the players enter the cove arrows fly at them and four Bhouters run at them with mancatchers. After the first round, the archers reveal themselves and charge. After the second round, two more Bhouters burst through the door, casting offensive spells and throwing healing potions at wounded Bhouters that try to retreat.


Bhouter Mage

Medium Humanoid, Lawful Evil

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 17(4d6 + 5)
  • Speed 25ft.
    14 (+2) 11 (0) 10 (0) 16 (+3) 17 (+4) 14 (+2)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 17
  • Languages Common, Abyssal
  • Challenge 2 (450 XP)

    Pack Tactics. The Bhouter Mage has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the Bhouter Mages allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.

    Magic Missle. Ranged weapon attack 5 (2d4+1) 180ft.

Potion Throw. The Bhouter Mage throws a healing potion to an ally which can heal 1d4+2hp

There are 12 Bhouters and 2 Bhouter mages in total.


"Ah, I'm sure this refund will sort those problems out"

4gp - Never Ending Table quests open up.

Quest: Never Ending Table

Players can re-enter TABLE each session to recieve "Ah, what may I assist with?" - "Oh, I'm sorry, we don't have any of those left..." while sliding an envelope across with a map and instructions.

Each Quest is similar "I have drawn a location, go there and kill the bandits. - TABLE".


The players will be awarded 50sp., per bandit.

and then "Ah, I'm sorry, we're not hiring right now, come again tomorrow, might have something available."

Ribburn Shturn

Ribburn is a proud member of Wise Owl Knights who will enquire if players are interesting in joining the guild.

Ribburn Shturn:Dwarf Male 4th Paladin

Where can be found

Wise Owl Knights Guild House in Shtoh Wind.

Quest: Joining The Grand Owl

To join they must take part in a ceremony, swear an oath, and capture one of the three Bounties.

The ceremony is after first paying the guild 15sp., after paying two Wise Owl Knights are called to take you to a room to ask you "Why do you want to join?" if they trust your awnser, they will ask you to recite the oath "I am to protect the creatures of this world - in the gods favour and for the peoples - and hold order in the balance of nature"

After one in game day, the ceremony will begin by lighting a pit inside the basement of the guildhouse with statues of Owls watching over the player - they must recite the oath whie doing this. After they recite the oath, the player must declare to The Grand Wise Owl which bounty they will bring to justice. Then throwing bird seeds into the fire as a gift.

The Bounties are as follows:

##### Groan-Sun the Kao Toan Fisherman Groan-Sun is a Koa Toan who has been illegally "baiting" caravans to stop before then ambushing them and taking their supplies and gold. Below is a describtion of Groan-Sun.
##### Gro-Ma-Kleff Bugbears are usually brutish, especially when they are lead by a reckless tyrant such as Gro-Ma-Kleff. Recently the Bugbear has been assaulting Gnomes at Dram-Blert, and must be stopped.
##### Simic the Gorgon Simic used to dwell inside her lair, but recently she has moved out and started building an army of garden staues. Knights are to proceed with caution with Medusas.

A player can only encounter these bounties through a random encounter, or by learning the location of the Bounties through speaking to Dimi'Gneck in Tarn.


Player is now part of the Guild: Wise Owl Knights. Bringing back a bounty they have declared grants them the armour of the Wise Owl Knights.

Wise Owl Knight Armour

Heavy Banded Armour

Price:25 gp

AC bonus:+6

Maximum Dex Bonus:+1

Armour Check Penalty:–6

Arcane Spell Failure:20%

Speed:20 ft

Weight:35 lb.


Commander Gerk

Commander Gerk can usually be found in his office writing letter and reports for The Empire.

Where Can Be Found

Imperial Legion Guild House

Quest: Dirty Demons

Commander Gerk suspects Judge Paulinio Puggi isn't as good as he says he is. "His way of law is against what The Empire stands for... he is barbaric; something is wrong..."

Commander Gerk wants you to get information about Paulino Puggi that confirms his suspicions.

Variants of Play

  • Players can decide to tell Commander Gerk anything they believe is of valuable information.
  • Players can follow Paulino Puggi and try to gain information off what he does - however, the Judge usually stays in his office, appears for crowds in the colloseum, or goes home on his ship. And thus not a lot is learnt.
  • Players can tell Paulino Puggi of Com. Gerk plot, to which the good Judge laughs and pays the players 5sp., for the information. "Ah, a fool he is! But it does make me laugh!"
  • Players can either sneak into his office, or try to pickpocket the Judge - both punishable crimes - where they can get Judge Puggi's diary, which holds information about the money flow coming from the Colosseum.


Any verbal information is 50cp., from Com. Gerk

Any physical information is 1gp.

Thed Urrain

Thed Urrain is a weathered old man that enforces the laws of magic in Morvale as Arch-Mage. He is not one for "questings", but he can be swayed in "friendly favours".

Where Can Be Found

Circle Ultimate Guild House

Quest: The Reading Mouse

The Spectator in the Anchient Hydra Library is not aware that there is a mouse living inside his building. Not just any mouse, this mouse is Waldemar Bartkowiak, a great spell caster some-what secretly devoting his life to studying.

Thed would appreciate it if you could buy some bread to leave at the library for Waldemar.


The ability to meet Waldemar Bartowiak

Clegan Drovean

Clegan Drovean is a bored halfling, giving tours or making orders for the populace of Morvale. She's looking for someone to spring a little excitement.

Where Can Be Found

Bread Factory

Quest: Unsatisfied Scarecrows

After using the options of a tour, making an order, Clegan wonders if you're interesting in starting a little excitement?

Her plan is to awaken the scarecrows in Drownyard by throwing rocks at them and making the scarecrows fight.

Variants of Play

  • Clegan will want to join the players in messing with the scarecrows; not letting that happen is quest failed.
  • Throwing rocks at the scarecrows in Drownyard makes them come alive to scare off tresspassers.
  • Kill all the scarecrows with Clegan to complete the quest.


Small Humanoid, Neutral

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 81(1d4 + 5)
  • Speed 41ft.
    8 (-1) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+1) 11 (0)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 14
  • Languages Coomon, Halfling
  • Challenge 1 (100XP)


Hot Scythe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 6 (2d4 + 2) if hit add 4 (1D6+1) fire damage

Sling. Range Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 50ft., one target. Hit 4 (1d4 + 2)


Clegan offers to give you her Scythe as a gift for 1sp.

Hot Scythe

The Scythe appears almost ordinary except the blue metal and the hilt being wrapped in black tape. Using the command word "Hot Scythe" turns the smoldering flames on and off.

Deals 2D4 Slashing damage and 1D6+1 fire damage.


If the players did not board Nathaniels ship

The church is locked and is empty, breaking inside reveals a derelict church with a snow covered floor.

Only when players re-enter Shtoh Wind after trying to visit the church, they find the church open, full of life, and a warm hugging welcome inside.



If no player boarded Nathaniels ship, you may do Nathaniels "Before Arrival" quest.

If a player is "Sun God"

That player sees the doors as being open, with the "Gods" all around in the warm embacing atmosphere; they can pass through the door as though they are incorporeal.

Nathaniel praises the new god on the test of the mind, Nathaniel calls for the God of Money to hand "God of Sun" 10gp., and to keep the strong mind.

Will save of 10 - save is half damage of 4D10

Nathaniel will summon the illusion of a Kraken breaking in through the ground - a DC 20 Will save will discover it is an illusion. After 5 rounds, the player is paralyzed by a Kraken tentacle. The illusion, the Gods, and all the scenery disappear. All other players do not see the Sun God if they enter until those rounds have been completed.


10gp. Can be persuaded to give Timesword on a DC 35.

Steve Rucksand

Upon entering the guard house you find a mass of panic at first, before one guard notices you and all the guards quieten, soon after the guards leave. Leaving only the one guard, Steve Rucksand left. Steve will explain the commotion on a DC 13.

Where Can Be Found

Shtoh Wind Guard House

Quest: Petrified Paladin Statue

Steve needs you to go to Mar-Tu-Gere and find a Cleric up there who knows how to unpetrify. Bring the Cleric back, and in a secret location the Cleric can perform his duties to bring the Paladin back.

Statue was found out on the road a few months back, and was bought by Steve himself; only to later discover that the statue was a Paladin - and probably created by Simic the Gorgon.

After being unpetrified, the Paladin known as Stump will ask where he is, and where Avalon is.


Stump:"I have no money, but those who saved me, I will give you my company if you are willing to feed, and pay me until I can get back on my feet again - or find Avalon."

Steve Rucksand gives a bag of holding

Opens quest for finding and killing Simic if not done by Wise Owls.

Mathieo Losieo

This shady human, sitting, twirling a dagger on the table.

"Are you with TABLE?" Either response "Good; this is the objective"

Where can be found

Wheatstone Inn


Mathieo Losieo wants you to track a caravan leaving Tarn, on that Caravan, Narda Huffwood - an outspoken worker of The Sawmill - needs to stop being able to talk. Ambush and kill. Bury his body in the snow. Make it look like a Groan-Sun the Kao Toan Fisherman did it to earn a bigger bounty.

Variants of Play

  • Tell Narda Huffwood, prompts him with giving quest for Steve Rucksand.
  • Tell the guards, does nothing in Shtoh Wind. In Tarn the guards will protect Narda.
  • Cockatrice attack during the ambush


1gp. Mathieo Losieo can be found on a TABLE quest.

Lioth the Rust

Trial by Combat

If you are ever arrested, the players must fight Lioth the Rust

Sir. Golo Hedra

The capitain on the harbour smoking his long brass pipe will only give quests to those who has caught his attention (after 10 quests have been completed) but can guide players to where they are needing to go.

Quest: Recruit a Crew

Sir Golo will inform that he is looking for people who are able to recruit people in Morvale for a special task mission. They must choose carefully.


Entatrance to Heist

Narda Huffwood

Narda is a black labour worker and caravan transporter for the Sawmill.

Quest: Stop Steve Rucksand

Steve Rucksand is killing people who know what he's truly up to.

Unsure how he is doing it, or why he is doing it... but he's got a special task group that go out killing bandits and unlawfuls. Steve uses this power to stop people knowing about it also. He's also taking large shipments of wood into Shtoh Wind - however he was asking for a special delivery from the harbourmaster Sir Golo.

Confirm Narda suspision - aquire the package.

Variants of Play

  • The package is going from ship in Tarn, to the harbour warehouse, being transported to a caravan same day, then taken to Widdice, where it will then be traded to a hooded figure (Mathieo) who will then march to Shtoh Wind to leave inside TABLE \page

    Dimi'Gneck Fenzir

    Dimi'Gneck the Gnome can be found inside the Wise Owl Knights scrying inside.

Unless met before, players will be guided to the Guild House in Shtoh Wind if they wish to join.

Quest: Hunting the Wolves

People have recently been going missing, Dimi'Gneck suspects lycanthropes are taking them from the farms and cities at night.

Brigthorne, Craeed, Lilaqui

Quest: Free Spirits

Return the bones of the three spirits to their respectful resting grounds in Widdice - which were taken by grave robbers who sell the corpses to necromancers.


Random Encounters and Continuation

Paulinio Puggi



A Gnome fighter in blue and silver metalic armour, wearing an owlbear winter cape, with a 2H long sword and shield is adventuring solo until he is recruited.

"Pung" fans his ears when stressed - he also hates sunlight - hates bludgeoning weapons - fears death.

Can be recruited to the party for 2gp., a day.

Waldemar Bartkowiak

[Wizard Guild Quests]

Protect Waldemar open a door in the library while 5 rounds of dust mephits attack. 2D4+1 Mephits.

King Killer Keemstar

  • Hunt Fire elemental: Pyrocinical
  • Hunt Treant: Leafy


Main Quest

After arriving in Morvale, the players need to get to Mar-Tu-Gere. They can do so by recruiting a Mountain Guide. Mar-Tu-Gere has recently been corrupted by "Strings" - the puppet master of this little charade.

Traveling on Mountains
D100 Search
1-5 Yetis
6-10 Deer
11-15 Twig Blights
16-20 Cockatrices
25-30 Gargoyles
31-40 Gnolls
41-45 Goblin Penguin
46-50 Frozen Bodies
51-55 Winter Wolf
56-60 Ice Mephit
61-65 Gelatinous Cube
66-70 Rust Monster
71-75 Skeletons
76-80 Bear
81-90 Phase Spider
91 Fharlanghn Shrine
92 Revenant
93 Avalanche
94 Penguin Dungeon
95 Hydra Cave
96 Gnoll Dungeon
97 Medusa Lair
98 Basilisk Lair
99 Noble Party
100 Mar-Tu-Gere

Entering Mar-Tu-Gere

On the road in to Mar-Tu-Gere, 5 ice giant statues stand proudly, one of the five appears destroyed. Graffiti reveals messages "Turn back now" - "Mar-Tu-Gere is lost - LEAVE" - and similar. You see high level clerics leaving.

No Strangers

Three human peasants guard the entrance into Mar-Tu-Gere. They hide in the shadows of the cave needed to enter. Before entering there is a spike trap hidden under a blanket, hidden under snow.

The three scouts will fire a warning shot before asking who enters and why. Before reminding them that they should leave.

Inside Mar-Tu-Gere, a large willow tree stands almost centre of the area, upon it you find hanging corpses of villagers, and clerics that did were "disobediant".

The people are distrusting and not willing to co-operate.


stolksdorf commented 7 years ago

I'm unable to replicate your issue. I can take the code you posted, create a new brew, save it, edit it, and everything still renders fine. Generally, if rendering stops working after the first page, that means there are some HTML nesting issues in your brew.

Flexbian commented 7 years ago

Have tested again, it certainly is not working, not sure at all what I am doing wrong. Simply pasting the code into a new Brew, saving, and then trying to edit the new brew does not work for me. Only page 1 is working.

I can even delete all the pages except page 1, and they will all still be there.

Flexbian commented 7 years ago

Have created a new brew with pasted code, but still un-able to edit anything other than page 1.

Flexbian commented 7 years ago


Flexbian commented 7 years ago


After deleting almost everything after page 2, I still have everything from pages I deleted showing. Not only that, but I am on page 1/24 no matter where I am looking on the Brew.

vorpalhex commented 7 years ago

What browser and version are you using? What extensions are you using? Have you tried using an incognito tab?

Flexbian commented 7 years ago

Using Chrome, only extension used is AdBlocker, and have disabled that and tried re-opening.

Have tried on incognito now, and no changes. I have never opened it before in incognito until just now.

calculuschild commented 7 years ago

Don't know if this is still a problem, but your homebrew link looks totally fine on my end as another check.

calculuschild commented 5 years ago

Closing for now because of no further response from the user, and the issue does not have enough information to fix.

Feel free to reopen this issue if this is still a problem for you and you can provide more information, @f