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Create authentic looking D&D homebrews using only markdown
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Snippets Track #3236

Open 5e-Cleric opened 10 months ago

5e-Cleric commented 10 months ago

This issue tracks the progress we make in creating snippets and themes in the tool. I will be updating this comment to view the progress.

This issue used to be tracked in #1096.

*: related PR


Merged Done* Name PR Issue
no yes adventure flowchart #2701 * #936
no yes credits page
no no Monster Index TOC (GGR** #p5)

Note: If a snippet is in the PHB and other D&D themes, it will only appear on this first table. **: Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica


Merged Done* Name PR Issue
no partially Notes on paper scraps #826


Theme developed in #3022

Merged Done* Name PR Issue


Theme developed in #2902

Merged Done* Name PR Issue

I consider as Done when we have a working demo.

Most are already done in Kaiburr's Templates I'll mark them as soon as i have a working demo of them in local, and i'll put a PR for each as soon as i can.

if you want to add a snippet, comment here.

5e-Cleric commented 2 months ago

Brew themes changed our work in this matter, and if we ever get to do #1722, this issue might turn obsolete.