naturalcrit / homebrewery

Create authentic looking D&D homebrews using only markdown
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Professional Lore's section is blank #342

Closed fatty8cake closed 7 years ago

fatty8cake commented 7 years ago

I am not sure if the class is unfinished, or if it is a problem that I am experiencing.

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calculuschild commented 7 years ago

Can you clarify what you mean by "professional lore?"

fatty8cake commented 7 years ago

The features you start get at level 3 is complete blank

calculuschild commented 7 years ago

Can you maybe provide a link to the brew you are working on? I still have no idea what you are talking about.

fatty8cake commented 7 years ago if you look under the Professional Lores Section, it's completely blank.

calculuschild commented 7 years ago

Is this your brew? Or someone else's? This sounds like a question you should be asking the author of the brew, not the developer of the website he used to build it. A quick google search shows you probably found that brew from here?

I would post on that forum and ask the author your question.

fatty8cake commented 7 years ago

Oh OK thanks man, I though this is where I would report to the author.

Dustfinger1 commented 7 years ago

should probably close this issue, as its not code relevant.