naturalcrit / homebrewery

Create authentic looking D&D homebrews using only markdown
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Published Brews #697

Open RexDraconum opened 6 years ago

RexDraconum commented 6 years ago

Not an issue per se, but my family's security software blocks Reddit, so I can't post this there.

It says under the publish button that eventually published brews will be publically viewable and searchable. Is that going to be soon, or is it still a long way off?

Kind regards, RexDraconum

ericscheid commented 3 years ago

We're building a roadmap, this is a candidate.

Won't be real soon, but likely sooner than some other epics.

ericscheid commented 3 years ago

We are interested in everyone's thoughts on what form this functionality would take?

Obviously we have the UI for nominating a brew for publishing .. but what would the "publically viewable and searchable" UI look like? What options for searching?

Gazook89 commented 3 years ago

I suspect that this would tie into a more robust "website" portion of the project, outside of the editor, and push HB closer to the GM Binder experience. Likely it should be it's own github 'project'?

Some ideas to start with:

ericscheid commented 3 years ago

Side note: the homebrew data model and UI does include a "tags" field, but it is commented out and undeveloped.

There is interest in tags for organising reasons too. #758

UPDATE: brew.tags metadata field has been made live. Tags appear on brew cards on userpage. The text of tags are considered when filtering the userpage.

G-Ambatte commented 3 years ago

Side note: the homebrew data model and UI does include a "tags" field, but it is commented out and undeveloped.

There is interest in tags for organising reasons too. #758

I was just thinking about that; I have about a dozen brews that I made to help out someone in the subreddit; I've taken to giving them a title that starts with "Example:" so that they appear in one place in the list, but it'd be even better if I could dump them in an "Examples" folder where I don't actually have to look at them.

Along the same lines as already mentioned: searchable public content, newest brews, recently updated public brews, favourite brews/creators, notification when favourited brews are updated or favourite creators release new content (possibly in the navbar, when logging in or refreshing the site), user likes/upvotes driving "hot content", creator bios on user pages with social media links/integration (link to YouTube/Twitch, options to post Brew release notification to Twitter/FB). Admittedly, probably getting to the thin edge of the project roadmap there.

One concern I will mention with providing a platform for user content is the possibility of inappropriate content; it is likely that a reporting system will need to exist, because people love to complain because WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN. It's also possible that for legal reasons an auditable process for DMCA takedown requests will need to be available, because many people seem to think that "appears in Google Image search" is the same as "royalty free content", and the last thing any FOSS project needs is legal grief.

jeddai commented 2 years ago

I definitely agree a reporting feature would need to exist. One thing to note is instead of it sending an email to someone when a brew is reported it could instead use a webhook to send a message to a Slack workspace, discord server or a self-hosted alternative. That would be able to keep smtp/paid email API services out of this.

ericscheid commented 2 years ago

a webhook to send a message to a Slack workspace, discord server or a self-hosted alternative

or even raise an issue on this github.

ericscheid commented 2 years ago

Not mentioned anywhere above: all brews are publically viewable via their /share and /edit URLs.

The "published" status doesn't affect that.

jeddai commented 2 years ago

I also just thought about this, but something that users that monetize their content might appreciate is a Patreon integration.

Creators could authorize their HB account with Patreon, and when publishing brews could mark them as locked behind certain patron tiers they have.

Patrons would also need to authorize with Patreon, but after doing so could visit the creator's page and see all the content available to them based on their subscription tier with that creator.

I've worked with the Patreon API in the past and it's currently undergoing a pretty big shift, just noting this for the future if the idea seems nice.

ericscheid commented 1 year ago

Progress note:

ericscheid commented 1 year ago
5e-Cleric commented 5 months ago

Well, i took the liberty to ignore the blocked label, and have a working prototype of this function.


I happily say, it works, and i am working on its UI and new functionalities. Progress in #3263.