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Test to validate screenshot dimensions #519

Closed fturmel closed 8 months ago

fturmel commented 8 months ago

As discussed in #412:

Screenshot 2023-10-08 at 2 59 33 PM
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jasongao97 commented 8 months ago

This is working great! Thank you. I would like to point out that sometimes the screenshot is not the size of the canvas. (e.g. Figure 0.2: combination of multiple shots at different times) We might just ignore those warnings.


shiffman commented 8 months ago

Thank you @fturmel! I'm happy to merge this, let me know if it's ready or if you prefer to do any final changes. We could potentially maintain a list of "exceptions" if that would help!

fturmel commented 8 months ago

@jasongao97 Right, good point. There are 3 images that don't share the same aspect ratio as the sketch:

Maybe we can add some logic related to aspect ratio mismatch? Or simply have an ignore list? If so, it's probably a good idea to at least have a width/height baseline so that the images are high resolution enough.

shiffman commented 8 months ago

One idea would be to put a comment maybe in index.html that follows a specific syntax and includes the expected screenshot.png dimensions if it's an exception?

fturmel commented 8 months ago

Here's what I would propose, basically just a list of exceptions with their expected dimensions. It makes more sense to keep all this in one place imo.

const exceptions = new Map([
  ['figure_4_8_image', [1280, 480]],
  ['figure_4_8_circles', [1280, 480]],
  ['figure_i_2_bell_curve', [1440, 480]],

describe('Validate examples screenshots`', () => {
  const createCanvasRegex = /\s*createCanvas\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)/;

  glob.sync('content/examples/*/*/').forEach((exampleDir) => {
    describe(`${exampleDir} | ${editorUrls.get(exampleDir)}`, () => {
      test('`screenshot.png` should exist and be @2x compared to the p5 sketch canvas', async () => {
        const screenshotPath = path.join(exampleDir, 'screenshot.png');

        let expectedWidth;
        let expectedHeight;
        const dirName = path.basename(exampleDir);

        if (exceptions.has(dirName)) {
          // use the dimensions from the `exceptions` map
          [expectedWidth, expectedHeight] = exceptions.get(dirName);
        } else {
          // extract the sketch canvas dimensions from the `createCanvas()` function call in `sketch.js`
          const sketchFilePath = path.join(exampleDir, 'sketch.js');
          const sketchFile = fs.readFileSync(sketchFilePath).toString();
          const canvasSize = createCanvasRegex.exec(sketchFile);
          expectedWidth = Number(canvasSize[1]) * 2;
          expectedHeight = Number(canvasSize[2]) * 2;

        // get the actual dimensions of the screenshot
        const { width, height } = await sharp(screenshotPath).metadata();

shiffman commented 8 months ago

Yes, that's perfect!

fturmel commented 8 months ago

@shiffman great, PR updated

shiffman commented 8 months ago

Wonderful, merging! We can add more exceptions as we find them.