nature-of-code / noc-book-2

Nature of Code with p5.js and Notion workflow / build system.
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web-only in build process #916

Closed shiffman closed 3 weeks ago

shiffman commented 2 months ago

We have a pdf-only in the build process for things like #780 it would be nice to have a web-only Notion page.

jasongao97 commented 1 month ago

Since magicbook recognize files by their name & path, I am thinking of two ways of implementing this:

  1. Annotated folder: the web-only HTML files will be stored in a special folder with name like content/web/ or content/web-only/.
  2. Annotated file: name the web-only HTML as [slug].web-only.html instead of [slug].html

Is either better? @shiffman

shiffman commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure I completely understand, does this affect the navigation on the website or is just for the repo's purposes? For the repos purposes either is fine! Probably 2?

shiffman commented 3 weeks ago

Let's just for the future, configure magicbook.json file to select things to include or not include in the PDF. All Notion pages will be "PDF-only", "Published", or "Draft"