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NatureCraft Combat update proposal #107

Closed Ghostlyfire99 closed 3 years ago

Ghostlyfire99 commented 3 years ago

While the regular Minecraft combat system works, I feel like NatureCraft could use an update to the combat system (mainly in Terra where wars are a thing). I propose the creation of new weaponry to spice things up!

  1. Short Swords: Short swords would be a reskin of the regular sword but would have better speed with a small drop in damage
  2. Medium Shields: Medium Shields would be the best friends of swords. They would give them critical strike chances (10%). Medium shields would also give the player 4 armor points to the player and 4 health points (2 extra hearts)
  3. Battle Axes: Battle axes would be the hardest hitting melee weapon on the battlefield. They would have higher damage than their regular axe counterparts but for lower hit speed.
  4. Light Shields: As I'm sure you see the pattern, light shields are for axes. Their unique weapon boost would be 25% increased damage against armor and other shields. This shield type would give 2 armor points and 2 health points (1 heart) but, it would not be able to guard. This makes the pure axe build a glass cannon.
  5. Short Spears: This would be a reskin of the Trident actually. Spears should do less damage than swords and would not be able to stun shields. (there will be a hick which is the fact that they would have to have less priority in the secondary ability aka their throw, than using shields)
  6. Heavy Shields: Their bonus to spears/trident would be extra level of unbreaking. Gives 6 armor points and 6 health points (3 hearts)
  7. Light Bow: Oh you thought I was done? Welp there is more! Light bows would be faster but have a quicker damage and range drop-off than regular bows.
  8. Heavy bow: I dont think you need to be a genius to know what this iteration will do. Better range and damage drop-off with a higher maximum damage. In return, it would have a slower attack speed.

All these items are meant to be craftable but it doesn't stop you from adding higher level versions like the caretaker items. Short Swords, Battle Axes and Spears would only be craftable from the iron level and up (iron, gold, diamond and netherite).

This major change would make the combat system more personalized to the player than the regular old one (aka crystal pvp vs axes and shields). This would make all 3 types of weapons usefull in their own right while making bows relevant again. It would also give the server a thing that differentiate it from others servers ( I swear that this is all my original idea and if there are any resemblance to other servers then, it is a coincidence).

Player balance will initially be shocked by a lot, not gonna lie. But, since each class beat each other, it should balance out on itself. (classes which are not classical will lose their unique buff making them less effective so that should balance that). Bows should not be an issue due to their main use is as support at close and long range respectively.

The one thing that will suck is, the amount of work you, the devs, will have to do to implement all of this. Honestly I understand if one of you want to skin me for all of that lol. Will be putting pictures for the crafting recipe for all these items in a comment.