naturenet / naturenet_ios

NatureNet iOS Application using Swift - A platform for sharing place-based nature observations and contributing design ideas
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Delay in notification after successful post #24

Closed wambeere closed 8 years ago

wambeere commented 8 years ago

A few times, I've made two posts of the same observation in error--by clicking 'send' two times. I click 'send' a second time because I think that the first time did not register (nothing seems to be happening). And then after a pause magically a message appears saying that my observation has been recorded (or sent, I forget the exact wording). I am worried about the length of that pause between me hitting 'send' and the magical notice telling me I've been successful.

WildWeazel commented 8 years ago

Uploading the image does take some time, so the app can't confirm right away. It does need better feedback that the upload is in progress and/or delayed because of the network.