naturenet / naturenet_ios

NatureNet iOS Application using Swift - A platform for sharing place-based nature observations and contributing design ideas
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After observation submitted, going back to Explore and clicking on pin =crash #25

Closed carolboston2 closed 8 years ago

carolboston2 commented 8 years ago

Borrowed Jenny's phone on waterfront yesterday. So these were Jenny photos from 9/14 midday of drainage ditches saved under Runoff Rundown and Watch Your Waterways. They saved successfully and showed up as new pins in the Bladensburg location under Explore. BUT, attempting to click on the new pins caused crashes 3 times.

abhinay-balusu commented 8 years ago

Unable to replicate this issue. Tested on several devices, @carolboston2 can you please specify on which Testflight version you got this issue