naturenet / naturenet_ios

NatureNet iOS Application using Swift - A platform for sharing place-based nature observations and contributing design ideas
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Comments are shown sporadically #38

Closed DanielVelasco closed 8 years ago

DanielVelasco commented 8 years ago

img_0267 image2 img_0269

When trying to submit a comment to the comment section of a photo, you receive an alert. This should be changed to your comment appearing on the comment section similar to an Iphone message. The comment post process looks exactly like the Iphone message interface. Intuitively I assumed it was going to behave in that way. After posting the comment I could not see my comment even though it alerted me that it was posted. After posting it again I noticed duplicate comments, with the comment at the bottom not being visible.

WildWeazel commented 8 years ago

see #44