natverse / fafbseg

Support functions for analysis of Drosophila connectomes especially the FAFB-FlyWire whole brain
GNU General Public License v3.0
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colouring ngscene objects #56

Closed jefferis closed 3 years ago

jefferis commented 3 years ago

more advanced addition to #55

jefferis commented 3 years ago

I think the simplest thing that we need is a function that takes a vector of colours in the same order as the segments returned by ngl_segments() and inserts a named list into the neuroglancer scene object. ngl_encode_url should take care of encoding the R list back into json so there is no need to modify the json directly.

To get some ideas for what nblast results (which is one way we might want to colour neurons), see including the referenced colour_clusters function.

jefferis commented 3 years ago

@SiqiFang some notes

jefferis commented 3 years ago

implemented in #91. Could still do with an even simpler way to combine multiple scenes in order to merge their segments/colour schemes.

jefferis commented 3 years ago

Thanks @SiqiFang @SridharJagannathan