natverse / neuprintr

R client utilities for interacting with the neuPrint connectome analysis service
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neuprint_connection_table misses partners? #136

Open zhihaozheng opened 3 years ago

zhihaozheng commented 3 years ago

neuprint_connection_table seems to drop some weight=1 partners.

An example,

foo = neuprint_simple_connectivity(5812980768, prepost= "PRE")
bar = neuprint_connection_table(5812980768, prepost = "PRE")
foobar = setdiff(foo$input, bar$partner)

[1] 1480679614 1450667655 1450326727 1420629944 1421968121 1421640038 1420971048 1390942174 1390924616
[10] 1390601092 1390596880 1328168601 1297129404 1297125065 1296443095 1290977778 1234385991 1128627929
[19] 1109905313  985765545  954735414  861293643  798873957  550594724  519559851  488520717  456833715
[28]  425112852  425432244
zhihaozheng commented 3 years ago

Ah, I see it's because neuprint_simple_connectivity basically have all_segments = T by default and returning all segments. Maybe it's useful to mention this in the function description for neuprint_simple_connectivity?