natverse / neuprintr

R client utilities for interacting with the neuPrint connectome analysis service
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fix bug (noticed w malecns) when correct rois not fetched #165

Closed jefferis closed 2 years ago

jefferis commented 2 years ago
jefferis commented 2 years ago

@mmc46 noted:

nlr_da1_cns_out = neuprint_connection_table(c(10075,11780), partners = "outputs", by.roi = T, conn = cnsc, details = T, superLevel = F)

nlr_da1_cns_out %>% count(bodyid, roi, wt = ROIweight)
  bodyid     roi    n
1  10075   AL(L) 2154
2  10075   CA(L)  776
3  10075  SCL(L)    6
4  11780   AL(R) 1561
5  11780 AVLP(R)   18
6  11780   CA(R)  650
7  11780   LH(R) 2534
8  11780  SCL(R)    1

# checking directly
nlr_da1_cns_out %>% 
filter(bodyid == 10075 & roi == "LH(L)")
[1] bodyid    partner   prepost   weight    name      type      roi       ROIweight
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)