natverse / neuprintr

R client utilities for interacting with the neuPrint connectome analysis service
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neuron semantics #58

Closed istvantaisz closed 4 years ago

istvantaisz commented 4 years ago

neuprint_read_neuron does not accept multiple bodyIDs and you need to use neuprint_read_neurons for that, but neuprint_read_neuron_simple does accept multiple bodyIDs and doesn't esixt with neurons. It works similarly with catmaid_read_neuron/s and I'm not sure what's the purpose of having both functions

alexanderbates commented 4 years ago

I have now hidden neuprint_read_neuron on the branch new-heal, so it will disappear when merged into master. @romainFr can we change neuprint_read_neuron_simple to neuprint_read_neurons_simple ? Just to avoid this sort of confusion?

jefferis commented 4 years ago

neuprint_read_neuron_simple is just neuprint_read_neurons without all the bells and whistles. It was originally intended to be internal. Maybe one could just make sure that neuprint_read_neurons can easily operate in a simple fashion without fetching extra bits.

jefferis commented 4 years ago

This is now resolved by the merge of #76