natverse / neuprintr

R client utilities for interacting with the neuPrint connectome analysis service
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Connector IDs are only for presynapses #97

Closed alexanderbates closed 4 years ago

alexanderbates commented 4 years ago

As we are used to working with them from rcatmaid. Previously, the IDs for the actual postsynapses were being collected. Having just for the pre makes it easier to identify the same connection between neurons.

romainFr commented 4 years ago

My only minor concern with that is that what is reported as "weight" in neuprint is the number of post synapses, not pre synapses

alexanderbates commented 4 years ago

My only minor concern with that is that what is reported as "weight" in neuprint is the number of post synapses, not pre synapses

Yes I get this reservation. But if I report the presynaptic connector ID for each synapse in neuron1$connectors for example (whether it is output or input), I can connect that synapse to its corresponding partner in, say, neuron2$connectors. This can be helpful if one wants to split neurons up in R (say into axon and dendrite) and then work out if connections are axo-dendritic, axo-axonic, etc. between two neuronlists.

neuprint_connectors now exists in this PR to provide a mapping between pre- and post- synaptic IDs.