naugtur /
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Linkblog #1

Open naugtur opened 10 years ago

naugtur commented 10 years ago

All comments here go to my linkblog.

Well, my comments.

Others can post too, but only comments from manually approved users will be shown automatically ;). I'll repost/reply to comments with interesting links and they'll show up I guess.

naugtur commented 10 years ago

HTML5 - less popular tricks []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

-noMorePrefixingByHand-CSS3: !important; []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

nounproject - icons for everything []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

CSS id selector speed [] []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

jQuery performance for beginners []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Coloring black-n-white pictures []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Canvas performance basics []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

CSS GUI icons []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Comfy and simple sketching app []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

HTML5 links to get you informed (Smashing) []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Etherpad - collaborative editor OpenSource []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Power tricks for Linux GMA []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Why Iceland should be in the news but is not (2011-08-25) []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

W3Schools is bad for your knowledge []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Intro to HTML5 on mobile (2011) []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Learning Vim. (forever in my todo :P ) []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Paper crypt []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Intro to visual design []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

First tool for extensive cross-browser testing []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Infinite sets in JS (kinda like Prolog) []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Performance lecture from Yahoo []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Resources: textures []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Tool for elaborate css transitions

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Before you claim it... Do you know JavaScript? []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

New: fullscreen api []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Best news of 2011 - no more old IE []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

JS shadows. Still worth it. [] []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Particle animation []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

JSjs - not that silly if you consider security purposes []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

JS operators tables []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Finally! depth added to touchscreen buttons []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

HTML5 can []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Reading on anonymous publishing (read comments too) []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

DOM particle animation. [] I tried it in 2007 and I got to 2 frames per eternity.

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Comfortable tool for sprites []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

JS to JS binary streaming []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Namespaces are old-school []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Some in-depth performance details for V8 (2012) []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

DOMNodeInserted done with a CSS hack [] and what I did with it []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Create new syntax for your JS (I know you want to) []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Feeling secure? Don't. []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Nice summary of not-often-needed html5 stuff []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

What worried me in Backbone now has a tutorial :) []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Detecting CSS animation support []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

You don't understand section tag? You're right. []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

OMG HTML5 view super performant. I still can't belive it. []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Moved linkblog to github. Stay tuned. []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

Great network tools for tracing, dns etc. updated. []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

WebGL demo and a new online editor, all in one link []

naugtur commented 10 years ago

React - seen anything more weird? []