naurril / SUSTechPOINTS

3D Point Cloud Annotation Platform for Autonomous Driving
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Radar data format #156

Open stanny880913 opened 1 year ago

stanny880913 commented 1 year ago

Hello,I want to label only image and radar, is this posible? and I saw the data format in your readme, radar data type is .pcd, but my file is .xyz, is it possible to label too? thank you~

and i add my data into /data , web show my scene1, but there are no frame can choose ! how to fix it! this is my folder strtrure . ├── calib ├── camera │   └── front ├── label └── radar └── front_points

inside front are .png file and inside front_points are .pcd file, there aare pair(ex : 1.png pair 1.pcd) how can i do to fix!!

naurril commented 1 year ago

A lidar folder is needed for this tool to work, and only .pcd and .bin (float32,xyzi) file formats are supported. you can put your radar files in lidar folder, but you need to convert them into .bin or .pcd, or add support for .xyz.

stanny880913 commented 1 year ago

A lidar folder is needed for this tool to work, and only .pcd and .bin (float32,xyzi) file formats are supported. you can put your radar files in lidar folder, but you need to convert them into .bin or .pcd, or add support for .xyz.

So I can see the radar point like LiDAR ? And create bbox on the radar point and it can automatically project to my image? Thank you

naurril commented 1 year ago

yes, you need radar-camera extrinsic calibration matrix to project boxes to image. radar points are too sparse maybe the operation won't be as smooth as lidar.

stanny880913 commented 1 year ago

您好,我把雷達檔案丟到lidar的資料夾內了,所以他沒有辦法直接把點頭應再3D主畫面上嗎?因為我讀取到了但我都沒有看到點的位置,畫面長的如下 Screenshot from 2023-06-26 15-05-53

novada0 commented 1 month ago

您好,我把雷達檔案丟到lidar的資料夾內了,所以他沒有辦法直接把點頭應再3D主畫面上嗎?因為我讀取到了但我都沒有看到點的位置,畫面長的如下 Screenshot from 2023-06-26 15-05-53
