nautilor / mountain-peek

Custom colorscheme inspired by Nord
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Possibility of darker for dark variant and lighter for light variant? #3

Closed prmadev closed 2 years ago

prmadev commented 2 years ago

Hello! My compliments to the chief! Your colorscheme is wonderful! I have been ricing with it and there are some situations which an added shade would help a lot in keeping consistency. More specifically I mean for colors, an added variant would help. drawing Consider when ricing a websites or application which have cursor-aware buttons. in those cases different shades of color could be useful. for dark variant, a lighter scheme can already be drawn from the light variant. And vice-versa. As i understand the difference is about 15% value change. So logically the reverse can also be done.

Though I understand explicitely adding values to the pallet can be double-edge-sword. On the one hand, more colors can add confusion in "which one should one use?". On the other hand explicitally specifying this added shade can help ricers and developers in line and prevent unstandard values in the wild, when the need for the missing values arises.

Thanks again for your much appreciated taste!

nautilor commented 2 years ago

Based on your suggestion I pulled out some colors but decided to increment/decrement by 10 as some colors were getting too light for my taste, I updated the README with them but I still want to refine them a little and then do the same with the light one

Color Hex value Colors Name Preview
Dark Red #742f37 --- ---
Red #973D46 --- Shark
Light Red #b8515b --- ---
Dark Green #638349 --- ---
Green #7ca25c --- Shark
Light Green #96b67c --- ---
Dark Yellow #d19723 --- ---
Yellow #e0ae4a --- Shark
Light Yellow #e7c073 --- ---
Dark Blue #406182 --- ---
Blue #517ba5 --- Shark
Light Blue #6f94b8 --- ---
Dark Magenta #744e6d --- ---
Magenta #94628a --- ---
Light Magenta #a97ea1 --- ---
Dark Cyan #4d807f --- ---
Cyan #5f9f9e --- ---
Light Cyan #80b3b2 --- ---
prmadev commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much. I will use these values, but keep track of the further refinements!