nautobot / nautobot-app-golden-config

Golden Configuration App for Nautobot.
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XML Compliance check seems not working with Palo Alto #795

Closed baldy2811 closed 1 week ago

baldy2811 commented 3 weeks ago


I use XML Format for Palo Alto compliance Checks. Current Config and intended config are the same but is shows non-complaint

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create Compliance Rule in XML Format with XPath: /response/result/config/devices/entry/network/interface/loopback
  2. Run the Compliace Check to valdidate if a device is complaint

Intendend config:

    <config detail-version="10.2.10" version="10.2.0" urldb="paloaltonetworks">
        <entry name="localhost.localdomain">
                  <entry name="loopback.103">
                      <entry name=""/>
                    <comment>Loopback for test SEA</comment>

Actual Config:

    <config detail-version="10.2.10" version="10.2.0" urldb="paloaltonetworks">
        <entry name="localhost.localdomain">
                  <entry name="loopback.103">
                      <entry name=""/>
                    <comment>Loopback for test SEA</comment>

Status is: Status - Non-Compliant

I can check with every parameter within XPath and everything is non-compliant. We try to use it with Palo Alto backup XML files.



itdependsnetworks commented 3 weeks ago

@jmpettit can you take a look?

jmpettit commented 3 weeks ago

@baldy2811 can you run this script on your actual/intended snippets (the ones attached to the issue show identical to me)

from xmldiff import main

intended = """
    <config detail-version="10.2.10" version="10.2.0" urldb="paloaltonetworks">
        <entry name="localhost.localdomain">
                  <entry name="loopback.103">
                      <entry name=""/>
                    <comment>Loopback for test SEA</comment>

actual = """
    <config detail-version="10.2.10" version="10.2.0" urldb="paloaltonetworks">
        <entry name="localhost.localdomain">
                  <entry name="loopback.103">
                      <entry name=""/>
                    <comment>Loopback for test SEA</comment>

diff_options = {
    "F": 0.1,
    "fast_match": True,

missing = main.diff_texts(actual, intended, diff_options=diff_options)
extra = main.diff_texts(intended, actual, diff_options=diff_options)

baldy2811 commented 3 weeks ago

@jmpettit thats exactly the point. Its identical but it shows non-compliant. Which python version are you on?

jmpettit commented 3 weeks ago

@jmpettit thats exactly the point. Its identical but it shows non-compliant. Which python version are you on?

ok interesting, under the hood this is using xmldiff - I assumed my _normalize_diff function was causing issues here.

I ran that script from nautobot-server shell_plus Python 3.11.9 in my dev instance, I was looking to see if extra/missing had something in them in your case, which is what causes the non-compliant status. I'll finish setting up my dev instance and test a bit further with your exact config snippets.

baldy2811 commented 2 weeks ago

@jmpettit i run the script you posted above and got the following output:

$ python
jmpettit commented 2 weeks ago

@jmpettit i run the script you posted above and got the following output:

$ python

Thanks, could you also show the detail view by hitting the "test" link in your Configuration Compliance view, example:

we are wondering if this is related to #800

baldy2811 commented 2 weeks ago


It still non-compliant

itdependsnetworks commented 2 weeks ago

Met with @jmpettit we see where the challenges arise from. We spoke about an approach, will get back to you with some more formalized thoughts over the next few days.

jmpettit commented 2 weeks ago

@baldy2811 can you run this via the ORM (nautobot-server shell_plus) and then run compliance against the device again, thanks!

obj = ConfigCompliance.objects.get(device__name="SDWAN-HUB-LAB-01")
baldy2811 commented 2 weeks ago


>>> obj = ConfigCompliance.objects.get(device__name="SDWAN-HUB-LAB-01")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/opt/nautobot/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 87, in manager_method
    return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/opt/nautobot/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 640, in get
    raise self.model.MultipleObjectsReturned(
nautobot_golden_config.models.ConfigCompliance.MultipleObjectsReturned: get() returned more than one ConfigCompliance -- it returned 3!

>>> obj.delete()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'obj' is not defined

i did this on all docker nodes and get everywhere the same error.

baldy2811 commented 2 weeks ago


after deleting and re-adding the rules it seems working:


itdependsnetworks commented 1 week ago

~Should be fixed in 2.1.2, let me know if there are any other issues~ nvm

jmpettit commented 1 week ago

fixed in 2.1.2