nautobot / nautobot-app-ssot

Single Source of Truth for Nautobot
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Provide a clear way to handle recoverable errors during the `load` of an adapter. #461

Open Kircheneer opened 1 month ago

Kircheneer commented 1 month ago


Proposed Functionality

Currently, different SSoTs implement recoverable error handling in different ways. I propose we align on a documented and supported way.

Use Case

If say a system of record has a badly formatted device name that we can't import, we need some way to track this. We don't want to pollute the job logs, because this can be a lot of items depending on the scenario.

Proposed Implementation

Provide some method on an adapter, like add_failed_item or something, that appends to a list. Then, at the end of any job, offer a CSV (example) download of all of these errors.