nautobot / nautobot-app-version-control

Version Control App that uses and requires a Dolt Database
29 stars 6 forks source link

POST to api/plugins/version-control/branches/ results in 500 #177

Open schreyack opened 2 years ago

schreyack commented 2 years ago
curl -X POST "" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Authorization: XX" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -H  "X-CSRFToken: XX" -d "{  \"name\": \"tim-test-api\",  \"hash\": \"njjmga0j9rmq1jubo7jcgcsjr849m91w\",  \"latest_committer\": \"ntc\",  \"latest_committer_email\": \"\",  \"latest_commit_date\": \"2022-04-11T15:28:43.569Z\",  \"latest_commit_message\": \"testasfd\"}"

Results in:

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                            <i class="mdi mdi-alert"></i>
                            Server Error
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                                There was a problem with your request. Please contact an administrator.

                        <hr />
                            The complete exception is provided below:
<pre><strong>&lt;class &#x27;django.db.utils.OperationalError&#x27;&gt;</strong><br />
(1105, &#x27;invalid ref spec&#x27;)

Python version: 3.7.12
Nautobot version: 1.2.7</pre>
                            If further assistance is required, please post to the <a href="">#nautobot channel on Network to Code's Slack</a>.
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jathanism commented 2 years ago

Confirmed. Looks like the serializer for the API is not fully vetted for creating new branches at this time and needs to be shored up.