nautobot / nautobot-app-version-control

Version Control App that uses and requires a Dolt Database
29 stars 6 forks source link

Documentation Updates #184

Closed cmsirbu closed 1 year ago

cmsirbu commented 1 year ago

What's changed


Some sections throughout the files listed below require input (or removal if not applicable to this plugin). All Developer Note comments should be resolved and removed.

Other issues:

And because nautobot (1.2.11) depends on Jinja2 (>=2.11.3,<2.12.0)
   and mkdocs-material (8.4.2) depends on jinja2 (>=3.0.2), mkdocs-material (8.4.2) is incompatible with nautobot (>=1.2.1,<1.3.0).

For reference this is what should be added:

poetry add --dev mkdocs="1.3.1"
poetry add --dev mkdocs-material="8.4.2"
poetry add --dev mkdocs-version-annotations="1.0.0"
poetry add --dev mkdocstrings="0.19"
poetry add --dev mkdocstrings-python="0.7.1"
bryanculver commented 1 year ago

Build blocked by #185

itdependsnetworks commented 1 year ago

Replaced with af877980a47c781ff832377e043ccf833e9625d4