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GitRepository URL Validator does not allow for local DNS URLs #5819

Closed MeganerdDev closed 1 week ago

MeganerdDev commented 2 weeks ago


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Navigate to extras/git-repositories in the Nautobot UI
  2. Press the Add button to begin creating a new GIT Repository object
  3. On the Remote URL charfield entry provide a local DNS name eg: https://local-dns-example/golden-config-backup.git
  4. Fill in remaining required entries and press Update & Sync button

Expected Behavior

Object created and syncs as normal operation

Observed Behavior

URL validator throws an error preventing creation of the object image

Additional Details

MeganerdDev commented 2 weeks ago

I was able to mitigate this over the ORM for now

from nautobot.extras.models import GitRepository


Also unrelated to the URL Validator for local DNS names, but local pathfiles might also be considered during any refactoring change that is done to this entry? I had a separate case where I worked around this by creating the object over ORM

glennmatthews commented 1 week ago

Nautobot has a custom nautobot.core.models.validators.EnhancedURLValidator that supports hostnames, it looks like it might just be as simple as fixing the GitRepository definition to use that instead of Django's default URLValidator.

glennmatthews commented 1 week ago

Similarly the form itself needs to use nautobot.core.forms.fields.LaxURLField instead of Django's forms.URLField.