[Q&A]Sikertelen azonosítás! Kérjük, jelezze a problémát az illetékes NAV igazgatóságnak e-Papíron (https://epapir.gov.hu)! Beadványában ne felejtse el feltüntetni adóazonosító jelét! #1118
I came across this problem with logging in to the Online Szamla. As I know after creating a sole entrepreneurship contract you have to wait 24 hours before registering into Online Szamla to generate API keys. But when I tried to log in for the first time this error message popped up: "Sikertelen azonosítás! Kérjük, jelezze a problémát az illetékes NAV igazgatóságnak e-Papíron (https://epapir.gov.hu)! Beadványában ne felejtse el feltüntetni adóazonosító jelét!". I never had this issue before. I don't know why this keeps popping up every time I try to log in.
So my questions are, is it an error within the system? Or do I have to go to the tax office to fix it? And why is it showing an authentication problem?
I came across this problem with logging in to the Online Szamla. As I know after creating a sole entrepreneurship contract you have to wait 24 hours before registering into Online Szamla to generate API keys. But when I tried to log in for the first time this error message popped up: "Sikertelen azonosítás! Kérjük, jelezze a problémát az illetékes NAV igazgatóságnak e-Papíron (https://epapir.gov.hu)! Beadványában ne felejtse el feltüntetni adóazonosító jelét!". I never had this issue before. I don't know why this keeps popping up every time I try to log in.
So my questions are, is it an error within the system? Or do I have to go to the tax office to fix it? And why is it showing an authentication problem?
Thank you in advance for your help.