Display uploaded documents in staff portal using urls saved into the participant database
Add properly structured seed data for uploaded documents
Increase the participant container's healthcheck startup time because seeding the database can now take some time, which can cause the healthcheck to fail and kill the container
Context for reviewers
Testing instructions, background context, more in-depth details of the implementation, and anything else you'd like to call out or ask reviewers. Explain how the changes were verified.
This PR directly builds on #63. It updates the participant database seeding and renders the uploaded documents in the staff portal.
Screenshots, GIF demos, code examples or output to help show the changes working as expected. ProTip: you can drag and drop or paste images into this textbox.
cd staff
docker compose up -d --build
go to localhost:3033 to see the files
`docker compose exec postgres psql -U postgres -c "select * from documents;" to validate that the links you see in the staff portal match the ones seeded into the database
Context for reviewers
This PR directly builds on #63. It updates the participant database seeding and renders the uploaded documents in the staff portal.
cd staff
docker compose up -d --build