naver / android-imagecropview

android image crop library
Apache License 2.0
254 stars 55 forks source link

It works only with gallery images #12

Closed skined90 closed 8 years ago

skined90 commented 8 years ago

When I try to choose an image from the google photos app which is not located on the phone, or any other place on phone which is not gallery, app break up. I've put image view next to image crop view and image is loaded in it, but in image crop view isn't.

helloyako commented 8 years ago

@skined90 Hello :) Thank you for interest about my code.

Sample app can load image in device.

For example, Local uri is "content://media/external/images/media/...." Whereas, Photo app uri is "content://". So to load external image, app need other process.

I know reference code. Look this link

I use that library in my app.

Was answer able to help you?

If you don't understand, please reopen this issue.

thank you.

skined90 commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the answer. Do you have some sample code how to use this in onActivityResult?

helloyako commented 8 years ago

@skined90 image-chooser-library provide sample app look this code (