naver / android-imagecropview

android image crop library
Apache License 2.0
254 stars 55 forks source link

Exception : setParameters failed #9

Closed wuandy closed 8 years ago

wuandy commented 8 years ago

I want change the focus area, after I change the value of FOCUS_MAX_BOUND in SquareCameraPreview from 1000 to 1200, then catch the Exception, how to solve it? (Because the foucs event for large device i.e. 1200x1800, the area is not enough)

helloyako commented 8 years ago

@wuandy I don't understand your question. What is focus area, FOCUS_MAX_BOUND and SquareCameraPreview ?

wuandy commented 8 years ago

Sorry about this, I I made ​​a mistake, this issue is not here. Very sorry, and your lib is so useful!

helloyako commented 8 years ago

@wuandy OK I see. Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day :)