naver / dust3r

DUSt3R: Geometric 3D Vision Made Easy
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concatenation #92

Open arminak6 opened 2 months ago

arminak6 commented 2 months ago

Hi, congrats on the fantastic work! These results are amazing. To address the issue of RAM usage with large datasets, is there a technique available to concatenate two outputs in case of overlap? something like this:

` output1 = inference(pairs1, model, device, batch_size=batch_size) scene1 = global_aligner(output1, device=device, mode=GlobalAlignerMode.PointCloudOptimizer)

output2 = inference(pairs2, model, device, batch_size=batch_size) scene2 = global_aligner(output2, device=device, mode=GlobalAlignerMode.PointCloudOptimizer) `

Then concatenate scene1 and scene2 together?

Thanks again for the wonderful work!