naver / egjs-agent

Extracts browser and operating system information from the user agent string or user agent object(userAgentData).
MIT License
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detect InApp Browser #10

Closed hikaMaeng closed 3 years ago

hikaMaeng commented 7 years ago

Need additional detecting of popular in-app browsers

happyhj commented 7 years ago

Hi @hikaMaeng! Currently we are offering webview property for inApp browser detection. Do you need to detect those in-app browsers seperatly? If you do, let me know by adding comments here.

vreality64 commented 7 years ago

@happyhj webview property have to give more option than now. for example, there is a case for applying other function based on in-app browser version like hotfix. I think it's better eg.Agent give option like plugin to parsing in-app browser version.

when I developing an application on WebView, I temporarily handled app bug in web. At that time, I had experience developing separated features based on in-app versions.

hikaMaeng commented 6 years ago

My Offer is something like

case 'naver_inapp_android':
case 'cacaotalk_inapp_android':
case 'facebook_inapp_android':

and 3rd party plugin system for additional detection of browser or os or isMobile

  criteria: /customOS/,
  identity: "customOS"
  criteria:/sony /,
happyhj commented 6 years ago

@vreality64 I agree with the requirement to provide the app name and version.

@hikaMaeng Your '3rd party plugin system' looks awesome. This allows you to extend the agent module without modifying the library source.

I will develop both soon.

Will support the following mobile apps with the bundled parsing rule. It is selected according to the number of users.

happyhj commented 6 years ago

The new API will be look like below. And also backward compatibility will be guaranteed.

// Current Usage
eg.agent(); // -> agentInfo from navigate.userAgent
eg.agent(ua) // -> agentInfo from ua

// Extended Usage
const extendedParseRules = {
    os: [{ 
        criteria: /(myownos)\/([\w\.]+)/i, // <-- optional 
        identity: "my own os",
        versionSearch : "os version" // <-- optional 
    }], browser: [{ 
        criteria: /(myownbrowser)\/([\w\.]+)/i,  // <-- optional 
        identity: "my own browser", 
        versionSearch : "browser version" // <-- optional 

cosnt myAgent = new eg.agent(extendedParseRules) // this will custom agent function
myAgent() // -> agentInfo  from navigate.userAgent
var uaString = 'Mozilla/5.0 myownbrowser/1.3';
myAgent(ua) // -> agentInfo  from uaString
hikaMaeng commented 6 years ago

look so good! thanx f rapid feedback!!

ankitch01 commented 6 years ago

In Ios, inappbrowser creates iframe. So you can check that if there is an iframe created in your html that means it is an inappbrowser otherwise its a regular mobile browser.

if(document.getElementById("_cdvIframeBridge")){ alert('its an inappbrowser')}else{ alert('its a mobile browser') }

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