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Write benchmark document for infiniteGrid #164

Closed sculove closed 8 years ago

sculove commented 8 years ago


happyhj commented 8 years ago

ref. #20

sculove commented 8 years ago

check list

sculove commented 8 years ago

Compare eg.InfiniteGrid with Masorny

구분 eg.InfiniteGrid Masorny
dependency jQuery 1.7.1+ outlayer, get-size
file size InfiniteGrid.min.js : 9,226 bytes Masorny.min.js : 2,615 bytes
file size
InfiniteGrid.pkgd.min.js : 15,950 bytes
(except jQuery)
Masorny.pkgd.min.js : 23,547 bytes
Browser support
IE8+ and latest of modern browsers IE10+ and latest of modern browsers
Browser support
iOS7+, Android2.3+(except 3.0) iOS, Android
API document
Lisence MIT MIT
sculove commented 8 years ago

Initialization performance Test


num eg.InfiniteGrid(before) eg.InfiniteGrid(after) Masorny
1 1021.60 424.91 900.50
2 1017.57 606.02 999.00
3 1027.24 485.52 981.95
4 1068.86 528.76 968.26
5 1040.95 514.25 1014.12
6 1051.20 568.90 927.47
7 1127.08 544.31 928.02
8 1006.50 595.19 1050.00
9 1072.69 473.60 963.79
10 1039.36 492.98 999.42
Avg. 1047.30 523.44 973.25

Time unit in milliseconds


num eg.InfiniteGrid(after) Masorny
1 1504.49 3126.95
2 2199.85 4107.13
3 1569.17 3766.08
4 1750.21 3833.64
5 1692.08 3889.42
6 1655.18 3778.07
7 1391.82 3713.00
8 1510.02 3767.83
9 1469.17 3639.84
10 1445.89 3644.18
Avg. 1618.78 3726.61

Time unit in milliseconds

sculove commented 8 years ago

append performance test

sculove commented 8 years ago

memory profile (after appending)

sculove commented 8 years ago

benchmark test is complete. and we need to write an article.

sculove commented 8 years ago

append perforamce test (Mobile)