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Ghar.Student - Student Details #367

Open kajal8512 opened 2 months ago

kajal8512 commented 2 months ago

This will view the sign in student details.

kajal8512 commented 2 months ago

I have work on this what method will be better to fetch the students detail from ghar, try to find a better approach for this. I will continue working on this.

kajal8512 commented 2 months ago

I have work on how many ways can be for fetching data from any other app, I found 4 way, to fetch the data, I have to coordinate with Goldy and Jyoti and disscuse with them which one will we better for our application.

kajal8512 commented 2 months ago

I have coordinate with goldy and Jyoti and disscuse every senario with them, for implementing I want to disscuse with vijay and start with better way.

kajal8512 commented 2 months ago

I have work with ghar.students function and fetch the data from ghar, I will fromat everything today, for the students details.

kajal8512 commented 2 months ago

I have work with ghar.students application there I have shown login student details. Coordinate with goldy and discussed ghar.students scenario.

kajal8512 commented 2 months ago

I have disscussed with goldy regarding dsplaying the students details in ghar.students, create a button from where student can click and see the updated report. I will discusse with vijay once what excatly we can show to the particular student.

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

I have created detail view of the students infromation into ghar.student application, when I calling the detail view on submit it is not showing, I will check why it is not working.

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

I have create a function, that function will show the students detail view report , I have called that function on button click, create the button for showing these details. and I have put the vaildation on form submission, if user has already enter their details then they can't again enter details. they will get alert in that case. I have to create one more button from where user can access the form of details.

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

I have coordinated with goldy and jyoti and try to find the better solution for the students information showing. we have work on documentation and disscused with vijay and after we got know that approach is not good, because it is storing data in both applications. after meeting we investigate how we can solve this problem.

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

I have coordinated with goldy and discussed what to do form report which we are using from another application, I have work on what validation have to put for students to not show every thing to students.

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

I have work on data showing ways, I am confused here because last time had discussed that is not going to wrok for, so I was investigating and thinking what can be the best way to show reports and form from another application, checking do we need to give access if using any form or report from another application.

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

I coordinated with goldy and we discussed about validation. after we had discussion on how we are going to give access to student, I didn't found as we discussed yesterday, so I will be mail to zoho support team and explain my problem to them and ask if there is any possibility.

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

I have coordinated with varsha, We have wrote a mail to the zoho creator support team, we got the response support team. but we didn't get desire answer from them, then explain them again.
image image

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

I have work on the response zoho support team, and I have explore how we can give access to the particular form or report, for that we have to create different component, I will explore it more.

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

I am creating a doc, How the user flow will be , coordinated with jyoti and understand about the attendace, after completing the doc I will start working on implementating it .

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

I have work on doc, coordinated with shashi and jyoti had discussion regarding ghar.student, coordinated with ujjwal, help him in his task.

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

I am working How i can hide filed when i am using the url into ghar.student application I have tried, but didn't get, I have work on the showing particular record into report.

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

I am not getting how i can hide any particular field, I have tried How i can do that. I have work with goldy and make her understand the flow of schedule based on report.

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

I coordinated with goldy and we have work how we can assign a value through component url, but not able to do that. we need to change the what we are thinking now to achive, that way is not looking possible. I have to thing another way.

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

I have wrote the problem with those solution which we have explored, in that i have mentioned what is the possible with that approach.

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

I will share the doc and coordinate with jyoti and will get the final solution with which approach will move forword.

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

I have working with the sign up method by costumer portal, When I was going to create costumer portal, is not available the which we are ussing currently.

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

Jyoti and I have work with access method, we have created a page in that page we have show the student details and created a button in that button click show the add student form, did the attendace part as well.

kajal8512 commented 1 month ago

Jyoti and I have work on the Apply leave section, we are in the process what we have to show to the student and accordingly working on that.

kajal8512 commented 2 weeks ago

I have created a excel sheet there I have put those data which we are going to show to the students. and try to create design as well.

kajal8512 commented 2 weeks ago

I have wrok on the excel sheet and there I have put design of the ui, had discussion on ui and data. then work on the feedback. put the those filed which is editable for the students.

kajal8512 commented 2 weeks ago

I have work if any function have to use, into another application then, how we are going to maintain that function. and application

kajal8512 commented 2 weeks ago

I have coordinated with jyoti and disscused how we can use workflows by node js. and and try to implement the api in the ghar.student. I will continuew working with node js today.

kajal8512 commented 2 weeks ago

I am creating a document of the scenario for ghar.student, there I have created for the students Profile, coordinated with jyoti for this, will work on leave and attendance. I have coordinated with ujjwal and help him to understand apis.

jyoti9909 commented 2 weeks ago

09.09.2024 I was working with kajal regards design for detailed view for student. And discuss the all things for editable fields and non editable fields and others also.

Today will continue with the engineering doc for student details.

kajal8512 commented 2 weeks ago

I work on the apply leave data points and how to view will be for the apply leave. these all things I have mention in the doc.

Today will coordinate with jyoti and continue the engineering doc.

jyoti9909 commented 1 week ago

10.09.2024 Yesterday I was prepearing doc and making flow how we will create the user flow doc. This doc is for kajal reviews and add needed points from her.

Today will complete this doc.

kajal8512 commented 1 week ago

Yesterday I was working on doc there I what trying to write the points of the functions and workflow which we needs when whever data will get add into student profile. today I will continue with doc.

jyoti9909 commented 1 week ago

11.09.2024 yesterday I wrote the doc for Attendence feature and kajal was working for Leaves. We both do complete the doc only for student profile.

So today i want to review this attendance doc by kajal but as she is on leave I will review my doc with another team memebers.

jyoti9909 commented 1 week ago

12.09.2024 Yesterday I was spending time to complete the doc for another feature with same doc student profile. it is complete by my side.

Still wants review with kajal for further work. So we can update the doc or start another work.

kajal8512 commented 1 week ago

I have worked on the students details last time with jyoti, we have mantion function and workflows, I have started working with leaves, I will complete the today.

jyoti9909 commented 1 week ago

13.09.2024 Yesterday I was co-ordinate with kajal that she review the doc and doing discussion for apply leave approach. She was fine with doc for profile and attendance.

Today as kajal complete the leave things will shared doc to review the vijay.

kajal8512 commented 1 week ago

I have work with the apply leave doc, coordinated with jyoti and discussed about the doc, I will review all things once after will share the doc.

jyoti9909 commented 1 week ago

16.09.2024 Yesterday we complete the doc and send it to review for vijay and shashi.

As you reviewed reviewed the doc will answer the comments and do try to next what to do

kajal8512 commented 1 week ago

I have work on the doc after coming completing it send for the review from the team. I will start working on the doc after getting feedback on the doc.

kajal8512 commented 6 days ago

I have checked the document again and updated it. I wrote about how things will be handled in ghar. I also noticed some functions were missing and mentioned that as well.

jyoti9909 commented 5 days ago

17.09.2024 Yesterday I was co-ordinate with kajal and doing update in document.

jyoti9909 commented 5 days ago

18.09.2024 Yesterday I was setup the vs code install We are waiting for respond to document so that we can start work.

kajal8512 commented 5 days ago

I have discussed node js Points with jyoti and today I will start working on the node js side so that we can Insert data on page load.

jyoti9909 commented 4 days ago

19.09.2024 Yesterday I setup the npm with kajal and i was trying to clone the code form GitHub it gives me error. I tried it to resolve but it was not resolve. Attend discussion meeting with Shashi for next steps for ghar student.

So today will continue with approach to catch the profile from ghar.

kajal8512 commented 4 days ago

Yersterday I have work on the ghar.student get particular student by the navgurukul email. coordinated with jyoti and help her how to set up, had meeting with shashi for the next steps.

I will continue with the api and check that get api on zoho side that is working on load or not.

jyoti9909 commented 3 days ago

20.09.2024 Yesterday i had coordinate with kajal regards student profile fetching from ghar. We were worked on Api and then we were trying to fetch the data but it was working for all now will try to fetch a particular student data by login email.

kajal8512 commented 3 days ago

Yesterday I have work on the node js side for ghar.student there I am trying to get data of the student, but I forget the password of sql, which is used into ghar, because of this not able to generate, I am tring to resolve it, I will continue with node js

kajal8512 commented 2 days ago

Yesterday I have work on the ghar.student api there I have work with the particular student data fetching, I have did that, after I have push that api to dev, and with the help of the api, I have work on the ghar.student on zoho side. there I have created a form and inserted data into that form. that is working correctly.

I will coordinate with jyoti and work with ghar.student form and I will check the api that whatever data I need into ghar.student, I am getting those data or not.

kajal8512 commented 20 hours ago

On Saturday, I worked on the ghar.student profile API. I created a new report in Ghar because I needed all the student data. After that, I made changes to the API and pushed it to dev-ghar. I checked the ghar.student on Zoho and needed to add more fields to it. Last time, Jyoti had created the student profile form.

I will work on the ghar.student on the Zoho side, where I will add the missing fields. After that, I will create a function to insert data when a student doesn't exist in the report. Then, I will create an update function for modifying student details.