navidrome / navidrome

🎧☁️ Modern Music Server and Streamer compatible with Subsonic/Airsonic
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[Bug]: Stream Url breaks table view in radio section #2971

Open dominickolbe opened 3 weeks ago

dominickolbe commented 3 weeks ago

I confirm that:


0.51.1 (6d253225)

Current Behavior

If the Stream Url for a Radio is to long, the table doesn't break the content nor has a max length that it shows. This result in not seeing anything on the right hand of site. I tested some quick solution and one could be a max-width for this url column or only showing a certain amount of characters

The main issue here is that it is 1 string and not a long text, this is why it isn't breaking automatically.

Fix: add word-break: break-all; and it will also break long text


Expected Behavior

Fix: add word-break: break-all; and it will also break long text


Steps To Reproduce

  1. Go to Radio
  2. Add a new Radio
  3. Enter very long Stream URL

or having a really long Title, etc without spaces whereever it's displayed in a table


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How Navidrome is installed?



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Code of Conduct

deluan commented 3 weeks ago

A PR is very welcome :)