navidrome / navidrome

🎧☁️ Modern Music Server and Streamer compatible with Subsonic/Airsonic
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[Bug]: Sync issue with Symfonium when TPOS is not an int #2990

Closed Steltek closed 2 weeks ago

Steltek commented 2 weeks ago

I confirm that:


0.52.0 (92a98cd5)

Current Behavior

While trying to sync, Symfonium outputs this error:

2024-05-01 09:45:47.859 Error/SubsonicLogger: Error androidx.datastore.preferences.protobuf.i1: Expected an int but was 88697893262 at path $.subsonic-response.searchResult3.album[888].discTitles[0].disc at lw.o.r(Unknown Source:66) at lw.c0.c(Unknown Source:323) at app.symfonik.provider.subsonic.models.DiscTitleJsonAdapter.c(Unknown Source:44) at nw.b.c(Unknown Source:15) at lw.g.c(Unknown Source:15) at nw.b.c(Unknown Source:15) at app.symfonik.provider.subsonic.models.SearchResult_AlbumJsonAdapter.c(Unknown Source:80) at nw.b.c(Unknown Source:15) at jf.v.r(Unknown Source:266) at jf.v.invoke(Unknown Source:12) at e7.i.h(Unknown Source:191) at jf.l0.e0(Unknown Source:19148) at jf.t.r(Unknown Source:16) at ox.a.m(Unknown Source:5) at Source:109) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at

Checking search3.view's JSON output, I found an album where all the MP3s had this ID3 tag:

TPOS (Part of a set): 88697893262

The relevant JSON party looked like this:

   "discTitles": [
         "disc": 88697893262,
         "title": ""

Changing that to 1 and rescanning my library made things work.

This issue is new (the album has been in my collection for over 10 years).

Expected Behavior

The spec at states that TPOS is:

TPOS The 'Part of a set' frame is a numeric string that describes which part of a set the audio came from. This frame is used if the source described in the "TALB" frame is divided into several mediums, e.g. a double CD. The value MAY be extended with a "/" character and a numeric string containing the total number of parts in the set. E.g. "1/2".

According to that its field type can be non-int.

Could this line

Disc int xml:"disc,attr" json:"disc"

in server/subsonic/responses/responses.go be at fault?

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Have on album with MP3 files that have 'TPOS (Part of a set): 88697893262' in their tags. (Potentially also others like a value of '1/2')
  2. Set up Symfonium to use Navidrome as Media Provider and try to sync.


- OS: Debian bookworm
- Client: Symfonium 10.0.0

How Navidrome is installed?



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Code of Conduct

Steltek commented 2 weeks ago

Fixed in