navidrome / navidrome

🎧☁️ Modern Music Server and Streamer compatible with Subsonic/Airsonic
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug]: Removed album still visible #3007

Open MikeTheScriptKid opened 1 month ago

MikeTheScriptKid commented 1 month ago

I confirm that:



Current Behavior

Removed album is stille visible (and playable) in Navidrome.

Expected Behavior

I removed an album from my music folder, but the album is still visible and playable in Navidrome. I've tried a full rescan and that didn't help. Then I tried deleting all the .db files from my LXC, but that didn't solve the issue either. I've been on google for over an hour now looking for answers, but I just can't find any. How do I fix this issue?

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Delete album from music folder
  2. open Navidrome and the album is still there (even after rescan and deleting .db files)


- OS: Proxmox LXC
- Browser: Chrome on Windows 11
- Client:

How Navidrome is installed?

Built from sources


MusicFolder = '/music/'

Relevant log output

No response

Anything else?

No response

Code of Conduct

MikeTheScriptKid commented 1 month ago

Forgot to mention:

I removed the album from my music folder because the tagging was off. I then fixed the tagging and put it back in my music folder. This is when it started showing up twice in Navidrome.