navidrome / navidrome

🎧☁️ Modern Music Server and Streamer compatible with Subsonic/Airsonic
GNU General Public License v3.0
10.47k stars 798 forks source link

[Bug]: Failed to enable the service on Windows, it does not scan the music directory #3025

Open Lguos opened 1 month ago

Lguos commented 1 month ago

I confirm that:



Current Behavior

I deleted the files and services of version 0.49.3. After re-downloading the latest version of the files, I encountered a problem. Running the program in cmd allows me to open the web page for login, but it does not scan my music directory, and the service creation with nssm also fails to start. IMG_4610 IMG_4611 IMG_4612

Expected Behavior

How am I going to fix it?

Steps To Reproduce

No response


- OS:windows 10
- Browser:edge
- Client:

How Navidrome is installed?

Binary (from downloads page)


# This is just an example! Please see available options to customize Navidrome for your needs at

LogLevel = 'DEBUG'
ScanSchedule = '@every 1h'
ND_ARTISTARTPRIORITY = 'artist.*, album/artist.*, external'
ND_COVERARTPRIORITY = 'cover.*, folder.*, front.*, embedded, external'
DefaultTheme = 'Nord'
DefaultLanguage = 'zh-Hans'

# IMPORTANT: Use single quotes for paths in Windows
MusicFolder = 'F:\Music'

# Set this to the path of your ffmpeg executable
FFmpegPath = ' D:\Download\ffmpeg-2023-08-30-git-7aa71ab5c0-full_build\bin\ffmpeg.exe'

Relevant log output

No response

Anything else?

No response

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