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FAQ : Precision #121

Open ThomMei opened 1 year ago

ThomMei commented 1 year ago

"For a “Various Artists” compilation, the Part Of Compilation tag (TCMP for id3, COMPILATION for FLAC) must be set, for all tracks."

I suggest you add that the "Album artist" also has to be empty.

deluan commented 1 year ago

I think some people may want to tag a tribute album as a "Compilation" for a specific artist. In this case, they should set both tags.

ThomMei commented 1 year ago

But if the "Album artist" is not empty, then navidrome displays 1 track at once if you search the album.

deluan commented 1 year ago

"Album Artist" should be the same for all tracks in an album. For "Track Artist" the correct tag is "Artist".

If "Album Artist" is different for each track, then yes, it will create one album for each "Album Artist".

ThomMei commented 1 year ago

Yes, thas's what I think should be added to the FAQ.

deluan commented 1 year ago

This for me is Tagging 101, very basic stuff, but I'm open to make it clearer for new users. Feel free to send a PR with a proposal of what the wording should be.