navinreddy20 / quiz-app-spring

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questiondb doesn't exists #10

Open ravi091297 opened 4 months ago

ravi091297 commented 4 months ago

Hi Naveen, I haven't find the .CSV file to import questiondb in postgres, so i was getting an error like doesn't exist, please send me the file to import

chhotaa commented 1 week ago

INSERT INTO public.question( id, category, difficultylevel, option1, option2, option3, option4, question_title, right_answer) VALUES (3,'Java','Easy','indicates specific to object','Independent of object','assigns at runtime','none','what the meaning of static?','Independent of object' ), (4,'Java','Easy','try','catch','finally','extends','which block is used to run at anytime?','finally'), (5,'Java','Easy','-','+','*','@','which java keyword used to conacatenate strings','+'), (6,'Java','Easy','hashmap','ArrayList','Array','Linkedlist','which class implementation of dynamic array','ArrayList'), (7,'Java','Easy','try','catch','throw','throws','Which java keyword used to explicily throw an exception','throw'), (8,'Java','Easy','terminate loop','throw exception','not a keyword','create thread','what is the use of break','terminate loop'), (9,'Java','Easy','for loop','while loop','do while','switch loop','Which loop in java executed atleast once?','do while'), (10,'Python','Easy','set','tuple','list','array','In python which datatype is mutable','list'), (11,'Python','Easy','numpy','date and time','sys','array','In python which module is working for data and time','date and time'), (12,'Python','Easy','length()','len()','range()','add()','In python which functio is used to calculate length of list?','len()'); ;