naviqore / public-transit-service

Public transit schedule information and connection routing service based on GTFS data and the RAPTOR algorithm.
MIT License
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Bugfix/nav 99 fix GitHub actions which are not triggering upon release #61

Closed munterfi closed 4 months ago

munterfi commented 4 months ago

Created a new release:

But the publish action was not triggered via the tag listener. Therefore the publish actions listen now directly on the release, when it is created.

After merge of this PR I would release a patch version v0.2.1 to check if publish is successful.

# Release Notes for v0.2.1

This patch release addresses an issue with GitHub Actions not being triggered upon release. The following changes have been made:

## Bug Fixes
- **Trigger Maven Publish**: Fixed the maven-publish.yml to trigger upon release creation. ([#61](
- **Trigger Docker Publish**: Fixed the docker-publish.yml to trigger upon release creation. ([#61](